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Registered on:9/15/2012
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The Biden administration already thought I and 75 million others are dangerous. Because we stopped believing the media’s State propaganda. ...
When the climate change people switch from attending conferences in person to attending via Zoom I will know they actually believe what they say. But for now, looking at the climate scientists and advocate’s ACTIONS I can only deduce they don’t believe in man made climate change either. W...
If they put Trump in Jail the Supreme Court will have to act quickly. If they fine him and put him on probation then the Supreme Court can wait around until 2026 to overturn this on appeal. ...

re: The Beginning Of The End of America

Posted by bird35 on 5/30/24 at 4:56 pm
This Nation fell when the election was stolen in 2020 and nobody did anything about it but wave flags and complain loudly on the internet. Me included. I’m the problem. ...
I almost expect the alphabet agencies to do a few acts of terrorism this week and blame it on Trump voters. ...
This will be overturned on appeal. In 2026. ...
Two groups oppose the legalization of Marijuana. 1. The pharmaceutical industry which has a huge and powerful lobby to spread money to politicians. 2. The alcohol industry which has a moderate lobby. ...
900 million Federal dollars won’t even buy 100 busses. Each State gets two new busses. ...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by bird35 on 5/30/24 at 10:15 am
I’m going with China in this case. They own the Democrat sitting in the White House and the Republican Senate Leader. That’s power. ...
“Is that even legal?” The Left doesn’t need to conviction to survive appeal in 2026. They just need Trump a convicted felon on Election Day. ...

re: I expect a guilty verdict.

Posted by bird35 on 5/29/24 at 5:11 pm
The jury will find him guilty. The media and Democrats will never say the name Trump without “Convicted Felon” preceding. The case will be overturned on appeal in 2026. ...
Because in America “violent thugs, lgbt hipsters, and drugged out vagrants” all have the same vote as the rest of us. ...

re: Josh Hawley is a badass

Posted by bird35 on 5/29/24 at 11:12 am
So I guess he wants to force Tic Toc to sell to an American company so our evil alphabet agencies can censor it. frick him. ...

re: Trump Now Tied With Biden in Virginia

Posted by bird35 on 5/29/24 at 10:28 am
These are the polls the Democrats will point to when they replace Biden in July or August. ...
If you are white and you move to Jackson Mississippi you deserve it all. If I see hundreds of gators in an area I don’t get out of my boat and go for a swim. ...
The entire Jury Pool was screened to make sure they would all vote guilty. ...
If every Nation who recognizes Palestine would take 500k the problem would be solved. But these Nations want to say words and remain thousands of miles away from the Palestinians. ...
My BIL is the president of an advertising company with about 50 employees. Almost all of the employees are college graduates between 23-60 years old. He would rather have everyone come into the office to work but he says “I have to have at least 3 work from home days per week, because the emp...
That’s ridiculous, the same people who put Trump in office in 2024 will make him leave in 2028. The same people. ...
The same National Park Service that doesn’t allow construction workers to fly the American Flag on property??? Time to starve the NPS of funds. ...