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Location:In your base, killin your dudes
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Registered on:4/16/2012
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[embed]https://x.com/jim_jordan/status/1796563134943010934?s=46&t=jMm-Hthr4P5n2pAYHwyBnw[/embed] So thankful republicans are able to write strongly worded letters while the left actually wields power. ...
Supreme Court is about to destroy this judge ...
[quote]What a novel idea; putting the blame where it belongs. The people who decry "government schools" are on par with the ones who blame guns for the murder rate. However, in both of these cases, the Federal Government's subsidizing bad decision making and removing involved fathers from homes i...
[quote]I'm not one to praise Chini, but there are certainly things that they do right.[/quote] I bet if you adjust education results in the US to account for parent involvement, the kids who score the highest also have 2 parents in the home who are committed to helping their child learn daily. ...
This is the real reason we need vouchers. Tie the money to the kids and force the schools to compete. ...
[quote]Inexcusable and it has nothing to do with schools. If you make your kid read to you for ten minutes a day they will not have ANY problems with the state minimum s.[/quote] This would imply parental responsibility. This is a foreign concept to most democrat jackson residents. ...
[embed]https://x.com/deangeliscorey/status/1792286706030244337?s=46&t=jMm-Hthr4P5n2pAYHwyBnw[/embed] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GN97QBTXwAAOa06?format=jpg&name=medium[/img] [quote] Inflation-adjusted public school spending per student in the U.S. 1970: $7,576 1980: $9,615 1990: ...
[quote]Actually, more men engage in artificial exercise now than ever before in modern history.[/quote] I am confident the total physical activity levels of the average man from even 30-40 years ago is more than the average man of today even factoring in artificial exercise. We have the most sede...
[quote]Men need to put the donuts down and lift some weights. It’s not plastics or fluoride in the water bullshite.[/quote] This. People will look for anything to blame besides their terrible life choices and habits. Men need to stop being soft fatasses ...
It’s because most men don’t workout and sit inside at a desk all day. And they eat only crappy processed food made with fake ingredients. ...
A man who actually lives out what he believes is the true definition of manliness. What an example for us all ...
The fact that universities are voting unanimously to end their DEI programs should be enough of a barometer for the right to not be scared on this issue. ...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by RebelExpress38 on 5/14/24 at 9:47 pm

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by RebelExpress38 on 5/11/24 at 9:50 pm

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by RebelExpress38 on 5/10/24 at 10:33 pm
[quote]don’t think you understand what surrogacy is. Would you rather the baby have been terminated at 10 weeks?[/quote] Seems like there’s another option. ...
[quote]Do you oppose adoption?[/quote] Adopting kids already born is very different than a mother selling her womb to gay men who want to live out their sexual fetish of being moms. You know this but want to be difficult. ...
The bee is on the case [embed]https://x.com/thebabylonbee/status/1788913136944263659?s=46&t=jMm-Hthr4P5n2pAYHwyBnw[/embed]...
[quote]Hoping the best for the guy, regardless of which way his career goes. But he's freaking 18. No one has heard him publicly speak. Or knows what he really thinks. And again, he's 18. Check back in 5-10 years, at minimum.[/quote] [embed]https://x.com/plantationdrip/status/17886196886640...