Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Ersatz Amerika-97.6% phony & fake
Biography:Forward Bitches ! Celebrating 50 years of Ole Miss futility.
Occupation:Pimp, Mack Daddy, Agent,Promoter,Caddy-driver
Number of Posts:79042
Registered on:11/11/2003
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Recent Posts

Sure. Plus a myriad of people who are just really comfortable always letting me pay for things. It’s life as a man. ...
We have the people. We will find the crimes. As you taught us. Enjoy. ...
RFK will be a felon too, should he pick up steam. And then you shortly thereafter. ...
Burn the motherfricking Dems and everything they want DOWN. ...
Am considering buying a Toyota Signia in a year. Maybe a Lexus. I’ve had so much luck with Honda/ Acura- I want to see where this goes. ...

re: What has gotten into Scott Adams?

Posted by Lsupimp on 5/31/24 at 10:55 am
Something has to give. ...

re: Just donated to Trump

Posted by Lsupimp on 5/31/24 at 10:54 am
Oh my sweet summer child…. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in. Just saying the Dems have gone Full Soviet in ways we don’t appreciate yet....

re: NCAA to end transfer rule

Posted by Lsupimp on 5/31/24 at 10:50 am
Yeah it’s going to be so weird when we play USC in September and nobody watches and when Bama rolls into town and the stadium is only half full and when we all stop tailgating. #Rollwiththechanges #GeauxTigers...

re: Just donated to Trump

Posted by Lsupimp on 5/31/24 at 10:44 am
Trump donations = IRS audits. Democrat America in full....

re: What has gotten into Scott Adams?

Posted by Lsupimp on 5/31/24 at 10:42 am
It's a fight or flight reality wake up call for white Normals.. Not only have productive white men been methodically, slurred, dehumanized and vilified in favor of silly season Marxist projects, but now we are being criminalized. Yesterday woke people up to what they didn't want to believe; there is...

re: Ari Fleischer says get ready

Posted by Lsupimp on 5/31/24 at 10:09 am
If he does it means street unrest and violence. Which might have been their goal all along, to create a backlash they can pin on Republicans to keep their "give us all the power or the nazi racists will put you in camps" narrative. Leftists have no internal constraints. So yes, the direction of t...

re: NCAA to end transfer rule

Posted by Lsupimp on 5/31/24 at 9:56 am
[quote]So this is just the NCAA actually being proactive and eliminating a rule rather than fighting a court battle to inevitably reach the same conclusion.[/quote] Agree with pretty much everything you said. The above is what the casual guy doesn't quite seem to get. The courts have been clear a...

re: NCAA to end transfer rule

Posted by Lsupimp on 5/31/24 at 8:57 am
What? The law doesn’t make sense? When all these changes are a direct result of specific legal rulings? Look, just read my comments in this thread if you want to understand. The NCAA is going the way of the dinosaur for a reason. The courts have said that there is nothing about being an athlete ...
This check, that ledger entry, etc. Traditionally one count but the whole idea was to pin “ 34 felony convictions “ on him like he’s a crime kingpin. The self righteousness lady sheep being too lazy and hubristic to even familiarize themselves with what it is they are championing. None of them have ...

re: NCAA to end transfer rule

Posted by Lsupimp on 5/31/24 at 7:59 am
Why you mad? I’m just explaining things to you like I would any other person who doesn’t understand something . I’m not advocating for it. When someone gives you facts and it makes you upset, that’s a “ you “ problem. ...
frick no. An impeachment is the correct Constitutional remedy, right or wrong. This is entirely different- criminalizing the Republican Party nominee for non criminal behavior. This is Soviet, dark, evil - ominous in every way. This is Stalin and find me the man and I will find the crime. The worst ...
Even if you hate that man, if you love America and want to preserve it, you have to vote for him. The Dems are flat out dangerous and the months between now and the election will be full on provocations, Leftist Agitprop and hardcore coercion and violence. It’s on. Not because I want it to be but be...
I have said for 20 years on this board that the Professional Left is better understood as a dangerous psychology more than a coherent ideology and has no internal restraints other than whatever their appetite for destruction is on any given day. Today is proof of that. They have gone Full Soviet. A...

re: NCAA to end transfer rule

Posted by Lsupimp on 5/30/24 at 9:09 pm
[quote]Regular Joe's are forced to sign contracts and noncompetes every day, chief.[/quote] [i]On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a rule that will ban non-compete clauses between employers and workers, with limited exceptions. The rule will take effect 120 days after it ...