Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Interests:Football, baseball, weight lifting
Number of Posts:18533
Registered on:9/20/2010
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[quote]I find that thinking asinine and shortsighted. We both have great jobs and work schedules with great benefits that we will most definitely/significantly miss if we moved somewhere closer to home and "mom".[/quote] Being close to grandparents is very beneficial for many reasons. It’s not as...
[quote]They were going to be confident and cocky no matter what. Mainly because Jay Johnson is the cockiest mf I’ve ever witnessed[/quote] Lol wut?...
[quote]I really struggle with this kid. He is so intent on being the hero that he can't think about doing the right thing for the team and let a bad pitch go. I hope he can eat a little humble pie and get back on track. It would be really beneficial to the team for him to do so.[/quote] :lol: ...
White has always been kind of feast or famine. When he’a cold, he’s ice cold. But when he gets hot, you can’t do shite with him as a pitcher. He’ll be back. I’m not worried about Tommy Tanks. ...
Yes. Let’s make things more expensive than they already are. That’ll help. ...
[quote]I suspect their motivation isn’t a new house and cars nearly as much as “frick anyone and everyone for the world being unfair to me” and trying to get some control over the idea of chasing justice[/quote] This is what I believe. Their world was completely demolished in a singular moment. I...
I don’t drink when I’m sad. I don’t even want to drink when I’m sad. I always associate drinking with a good time, so it never really occurs to me. And I’d like to keep it that way....
[quote]It’s so obvious they’re milking the death of their children for money.[/quote] I would not pass judgement unless you’ve experienced what they have. It’s not about money. They’re chasing a sense of justice or revenge that they will never really be able to reach....
[quote]If the garage is a connected enclosed space to your home more than likely the castle doctrine would protect you. You have every right to protect yourself and loved ones in your home.[/quote] I think you have to be in the garage for Castle Doctrine to apply. [quote]You don’t even have to be...
[quote]Covered garage under same roof is considered part of house as far as I am concerned.[/quote] Unless you are in it, it’s not considered part of the home. Castle Doctrine does not apply. [quote]I not to shoot someone in the back, but what if I hear someone in my garage and confront them ...
Hind sight is 20/20, but Skenes could pitch whenever. As long as he had enough rest, he could pitch as needed. He’s that good. We just didn’t really realize just how good he is. As for JJ’s decision, he knows a lot more about baseball than I do. Who am I to call him out? ...
Because it’s expensive. And I don’t think you can build a house out of just concrete. It would crack. My neighbor built his own house using cinder blocks that he then poured concrete into and then reinforced with rebar. It’s a fricking fortress, but had he hired a contractor, it would have cost him a...
[quote]Rivalry denied, holy shite you guys are pathetic. Take your L and get the frick on[/quote] Lol cute Mizzou fan...
It is embarrassing. Stop being this victim of a grande conspiracy. The very next inning we had a call go our way on the pitch clock and then we walked it off....
He’ll be there tomorrow, ya dingus. Go ahead and talk your shite, but SEC tourneys are about all UT wins. ...

Hell of a game, USC

Posted by DeafJam73 on 5/25/24 at 4:55 pm
But I’m done with you guys. I don’t want to see y’all again. :lol:...

re: Jay's Look to Moffett

Posted by DeafJam73 on 5/25/24 at 1:23 pm
Settle down. We’ve come a long way this year. Even if we lose today, you never know who steps up down the stretch. ...
2019 LSU vs Bama To go into Tuscaloosa to get the win and look good doing it was a big step forward for LSU. In a more sentimental way was Arizona St in 2005. It was right after Katrina. Players had family who lost everything and were scattered all over the place. Had every reason to give up o...

re: Squats Advice

Posted by DeafJam73 on 5/25/24 at 11:58 am
Belts only help you brace harder. They don’t prevent injuries by just wearing them. I might suggest training without it for now so that you learn how to brace hard without having to rely on it. When it comes to the squat, I would suggest squatting as low as your mobility will allow without sacrif...