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Registered on:7/8/2010
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Is lying in congressional hearing even a crime? And if so, when’s the last time someone was convicted of it? I can think of several prominent examples in the past few years. Fauci is an obvious one ...
[quote]Read it again. Specifically the last sentence, Its amazing how stupid you are actually[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/eRjjRricmzMAAAAM/krule-john-c-reilly.gif[/img]...
I agree with about everything you said I got on board with him in 2015 before anyone else I knew in real life. 2020 showed me clearly what his limitations are and the fact of the matter is his knowledge and expertise isn’t sufficient to handle the avalanche of resistance he meets. So I just ...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by OBReb6 on 5/30/24 at 11:29 am
Unfortunately that is the nature of foreign interference allegations. You are going to have to get it from books and first hand accounts. No government is going to acknowledge it, and our press is a mouthpiece of the state. In fact, our government has proven they will actually flat out make up f...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by OBReb6 on 5/30/24 at 11:22 am
[quote]Jonathon Pollard was released in 2015.[/quote] No shite. Why do you think the public ended up finding out about the Lewinsky stuff? Clinton didn’t cave And I already posted a source on this ...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by OBReb6 on 5/30/24 at 11:20 am
Thank you. Those are good examples I still think they fall short because they didn’t have the audacity to bribe the president himself. I’m not going to argue about it though. Here’s the point though, and the actual argument. Massie’s poll was in your opinion not a valid question, but after th...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by OBReb6 on 5/30/24 at 11:13 am
I’m not disagreeing with you, but I don’t know why you are making this distinction. Because I mentioned her at all? Again, waiting on example of another country doing something like this. ...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by OBReb6 on 5/30/24 at 11:03 am
[quote]That our government meddles in Israels affairs too.[/quote] First, I need examples of this meddling Second, what has this alleged meddling achieved? Netanyahu is still in power, and has been for like 25+ years. The example I provided led directly to a massive scandal and impeachment...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by OBReb6 on 5/30/24 at 11:01 am
[quote] So again, what in the actual frick are you arguing? Did your trip to Imagination land cause you to be only able to read Cyrillic and you can't piece it together that I'm in full agreement that is indeed meddling. I can't help it if you can't comprehend that or want to sky scream as if I'm t...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by OBReb6 on 5/30/24 at 10:55 am
I’m not sure I entirely agree, but what is your point?...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by OBReb6 on 5/30/24 at 10:49 am
Did you miss the part where Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, used the tapes to try to blackmail the president of the United States into releasing spys/traitors? Who on your list caused anything like that? Don’t be such a pathetic simp...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by OBReb6 on 5/30/24 at 10:45 am
[link=(https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-said-to-have-offered-lewinsky-tapes-for-pollard/)]Times of Israel - Netanyahu said to have offered Lewinsky tapes for Pollard[/link]...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by OBReb6 on 5/30/24 at 10:36 am
[quote]I suppose that's true IF you count anyone of Jewish faith and/or heritage that gets involved with US politics, including citizens. If "meddling" is limited to either non-citizens of Jewish faith/heritage or the political state of Israel that poll is not accurate. [/quote] Israel and ...
NBC makes a fake hit piece Certain Trump worshippers take the bait and use what is ultimately a good thing to bash DeSantis. They just can’t let it go. Really makes you think ...

re: Shout out to my purebloods

Posted by OBReb6 on 5/28/24 at 5:30 pm
[quote]You are correct, and I do offer up my humblest apologies. Next time this topic is made (probably tomorrow or the next day), I will make sure to wait until page 2 to, in your words, bitch about it. That okay with you?[/quote] My point is replies like yours are the whole reason the threads ...

re: Shout out to my purebloods

Posted by OBReb6 on 5/28/24 at 11:21 am
It never fails that you are one of the first replies in these threads, bitching about it Maybe you should evaluate your conduct ...
Has anyone pointed out yet that Memorial Day was invented by southern women for confederate soldiers? ...
Ukraine is using civilians as human shields. FAFO...
[quote]Merrick Garland Alejandro Mayorkas Antony Blinken Chuck Schumer Nancy Pelosi Adam Schiff George Soros Barak Obama[/quote] 6 of the 8 worst people you can think of are Jews? Cool it with the antisemitism buddy. ...