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Registered on:2/3/2005
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People crap all over Hannity but he constantly reminds the politicians and people that no one is pushing back. I hate to hear it repeated, not bc of repeating but bc reminding the people that our lame Repubs are just the same as the Dems. They are all in it for the same thing. I prob trust about...
It will catch up with you one day and you'll see it from another angle. ...
I've lived in foreign countries. I'm not ashamed to be American. I'm ashamed that people can be that messed up to play the system and the other party to do nothing about it. Trump will get elected, he better make changes or there will not be a USA as it was just 20 years ago. ...
I will welcome anyone from the left of middle to come vote for conservative candidates. I'm not willing to chase them away or talk down to them. Just come vote to have a chance to change things before it gets any worse. ...

re: This trial just made me vote for Trump

Posted by 6R12 on 5/30/24 at 9:34 pm
[quote]Its amazing it took this to get you to grow up and not be a beta liberal [/quote] Uncalled for response. You can do better than that I think. He's just admitting something realistic and you trying to label him. Maybe he is IDK but your response was wrong. I hope a lot of people find th...

re: Still voting for TRUMP check in

Posted by 6R12 on 5/30/24 at 9:01 pm
Dems elected Mayor of DC Berry while in jail for cocaine and other goodies. I think we should do the same. ...
Hope you make more than that. Always interesting reading your threads on finding gems out of junk. Keep up the good work. :bow:...
If that was my child, she would never be able to do this again. ...
Nah, you can still film anything you want at 25'. Nobody licking boots with that law. Imagine you are a cop and you got some screaming woman 2 feet from your ear not knowing if she will shoot or stab you while you're trying to arrest her baby daddy after she called to cops for him hitting her. Yo...
I'm surprised they just didn't stop serving them even thought it's "eat til you die" ads. They put themselves into a corner by continuing to serve them losing money with every time they bring more. I'll say that customers will find ways to be ridiculous about taking advantage of every little thing...
I think the Kennedy dynasty can't be called back up. It's past it's time and they won't allow it. The Dems will go another direction. ...

re: Family trees

Posted by 6R12 on 5/29/24 at 9:24 am
My parents traced our ancestry back to the 1500s. Crazy how they found all those records all thru USA, Nova Scotia, and in Europe. Old churches have the best records of births, marriages and deaths. They worked on it with other siblings and by traveling and continued to put the story line together...
I see a good pair of boots ...
[quote] geez these guys doing low skilled labor jobs who look lost and don’t speak a word of English must be American Who's going to do the low-skilled jobs for peanuts? [/quote] You cut out all of the extra gravy the govt giving out and it'll force people to go back to work and stop h...
13 going on 30, or something like that. :lol:...
And they will continue to vote for her or someone like her. :spank:...
I questioned it but could only trust they knew best. But I surely questioned it....
Gotcha. I just wanna know if I can shoot them trying to steal my car. ...
[quote]They didn't shoot them, the them shot the they. [/quote] Trying to channel my inner Les Miles here, "I have a want to understand" this :lol:...