Favorite team:US Marine Corps 
Location:South Florida
Number of Posts:30316
Registered on:4/20/2010
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[quote]its so 1984 that yall claim that centrists/moderates agree with this they don't ,[/quote] Every single self-proclaimed moderate and centrist on here starts off posts with some variation of, "The extremes on both sides are being ridiculous..." and then immediately begin spewing out the p...
[quote]Thurgood Marshall[/quote] The original DEI appointment ...
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/8PbPbhw8/81804.jpg[/img] Just ignore them! They'll go away! - every centrist on here...
Still isn't. I'm up at my place in Headland and fought the intersection this afternoon....
Stay in Indiana. The traffic is bad enough on the Ross Clark Circle....
[quote]Continually poking the Germans has always historically ended well.[/quote] Germany is broken. Cultural Marxists have taken over....
‘86 Masters It was my senior year of college and the CO of our NROTC unit had all of the seniors over for a cookout. We all ended up huddling in front of his TV watching Jack’s charge....

re: 2024 NSFW Babe Thread

Posted by SoFla Tideroller on 5/30/24 at 9:05 am
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/5yV3jZqJ/id1161171.webp[/img] Just to get things back on track...
We should give citizens a tax break for being in shape....
[quote]Ali is probably one of the best actors to grace the MCU[/quote] I don’t even know who he is - and neither do 95% of the general public....
LSU fans think "Neck" is cool? :lol:...

re: Negro League stats to count

Posted by SoFla Tideroller on 5/29/24 at 7:55 pm
Being an Ole Miss fan and a self-flagellating white guilt Southerner, I'd think you're Wright Thompson....

re: Negro League stats to count

Posted by SoFla Tideroller on 5/29/24 at 7:29 pm
Dude, it's sorantable. Someone accused a white Southern male of being a racist. You could rub his face in fact after fact like a puppy that shite on the rug and it wouldn't matter. He has virtue to signal....
Should have sued to force that bag of shite officer onto the stand. 100% chance he'd perjure himself. Then take the settlement and donate it to the deceased victim's family....
[quote]We're not going forgive the loan. We're going to hold it over their heads and remind them we can ask for payment in full anytime we want and will do so if they don't [b]make some discreet payments to the right Beltway Bandits.[/b][/quote] Fixed...