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Location:Euthanasia, USA
Number of Posts:7197
Registered on:1/23/2009
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A whole bunch of [b]D[/b]idnt [b]E[/b]arn [b]I[/b]t hires have ruined the Usps. Deliveries are an absolute joke now....
[quote]Different rumors of Trump’s alleged “N-word tape” from the days of his time as a game show host have swirled in entertainment and political circles for years[/quote] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bf/75/84/bf7584cd086aaabbb32114e2ed6e05e5.gif[/img]...
[quote]Explain to me how that works.[/quote] Just posing this question proves you have been infected by the Democrat woke mind virus. Now that we know this to be factual, one cannot simply "explain" anything to you that doesn't agree with said virus. Ever heard the term "can't fix stupid"...
Well, yeah. I'm just curious to see how well they hold up the act while being interviewed....
PBD interviewed a member of patriot front today. Supposed to air tomorrow....
[quote]Go outside and enjoy the weather or something.[/quote] Says the overweight Liberal who lives in his/her/zee/zim/zer's Mom's basement. :lol:...
How fast will you run to your boyfriends arms when Trump wins? Beta clown :lol:...
[quote]Hmbre97 [/quote] Look at this dumbass. Celebrate the demise of the country you fricktard....
The US has turned into the 3rd world shithole....
[quote]This seems way too quick for a guilty verdict.[/quote] Agreed...
[link=(https://www.youtube.com/live/LmP5Xw6WE4A?si=1GWgQoTT3WlJWZqf)]AP Live[/link]...
My favorite Deniro scene. [img]https://img.wattpad.com/d9813d5d0ed97f1d0875a0256460f8bfaee73317/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f43346c48507636786d436c7351773d3d2d3739313930313236382e31356464636336313131373...

re: Tide Hoops | Offseason

Posted by Lieutenant Dan on 5/22/24 at 5:41 pm
[quote]Shut up Richard [/quote] He's such a dick....
Damone trying out a new shade of dick stick I see....

re: Hip Hop and Rappers are evil

Posted by Lieutenant Dan on 5/19/24 at 4:33 pm
P Diddly can hold a cantaloupe in his arse - [i] Barack H. Obama[/i] ...
The Boardwalk Empire cast are taking a beating out here. [quote]Just 24 hours after being assaulted in Central Park, Boardwalk Empire actor Michael Stuhlbarg was back on stage and full of energy.[/quote] [quote]Buscemi, star of Fargo and Boardwalk Empire was assaulted on Wednesday morning in M...