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But they can keep the giant double wide library In Ark ...

re: Son of Soros on Trump

Posted by memphisplaya on 5/31/24 at 3:33 pm
Soros better sleep with both eyes open ...
[quote]Maybe you'll get lucky and digging will find a real crime, and she'll be convicted like Trump. [/quote] How about full knowledge of war crimes committed under her watch during the Bush administration that she helped hide, like the water boarding, piss fiasco, ect, This is too easy and...
[quote]Had he paid her directly, none of this was possible.[/quote] And how is it his fault if Cohen took it upon himself to stay on team Trump to pay off stormy when he was approached by Stormy’s legal representative? Cohen did it without telling Trump and then BILLED him for it. That’s ...
Remember when the FBI agent sent to investigate Trump colluding with the Russians was caught colluding with the Russians? I remember ...
Cassidy already posted about it. Still hate him...
Your Average Joe Biden started his political career with money and aid from the mob at the request of the DNC. He had them picket outside of the newspapers so not to run an article that would have destroyed him. Biden crime family is one of the most polarizing, corrupt and has faced zero repercus...
Because there was nothing to take up the the 17 democrats destroyed their phones. Then during the questioning mueller came off as incompetent and puppet like as Biden ...
I hope you get railroaded In a Similar fashion for a trumped up charge...
[quote]No way her paw should have been Trump's judge due to her close relationship with Kamala Harris.[/quote] And Adam Schiff...
[quote] To appeal, he can't claim that the jury was wrong.[/quote] Violation of the 6th amendment is wrong. Not having your right to due process is wrong. To spell it out for you without writing a novel, you cannot convict without the person on trial knowing/understanding what they are on tria...
That is not the justices on the NY appeals court. A 2 second search shows you 3 males on the judge list, and not a single black woman. And for the OP, I agree no way this survives the appeals court if the USSC doesn’t take it up immediately ...
All 34 felonies are a rewording of the same BS charge...
That Texas still hasn’t won shite In almost 2 decades? No, I have that memo...
Get ready for endless letters and texts every few weeks I got so tired of the phone calls I told them if they called again I’d vote for the other candidate and they stopped with quickness but I still get my postal mailbox flooded That said Senator Kennedy is the only one I’ve donated to(proba...