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re: Trump should get RFK Jr to be his VP

Posted by m2pro on 5/31/24 at 6:05 pm
Absolutely not. They will kill Trump to make rfk Pres. You do not put the opposition near power when you have the option not to....

re: I'm out. Going to take a break.

Posted by m2pro on 5/31/24 at 1:23 pm
[quote]What a dramatic pussy [/quote] You have less fks to give. If not, eventually you will understand how he feels one day. ...
[quote]What the hell is wrong with these people?[/quote] It's fun to ride rides, and disappear in distraction and beer and fun. Harry Potter world is badass. Galaxy's edge is badass, despite my hate for what disney has done to star wars. etc Really not hard to understand....
[quote]Another poster in these threads mentioned him early in the Covid era[/quote] Very possibly me lol. I don't mean to promote him like he's paying me, but I can't help myself when I see someone SO out of the loop on all this stuff....
[quote]HailHailtoMichigan[/quote] You need to follow EthicalSkeptic on Twitter. You could inform yourself on a LOT of extremely high brow statistical analysis regarding the vaxes. Look into turbo cancers. Look up real data on the clot shots. There will be a reckoning for this one day. Bu...
[quote]How is this a political topic? [/quote] B/c guns, duh....
I saw some kid do that. Guess that was him. I was wondering who the hell clicked "post." Didn't realize it was a live stream until probably yesterday. Darwin award, indeed. ...
[quote] i realize that the POTUS , or whoever happens to occupy the Oval Office- has very little to do with the stock market[/quote] how very untrue...
GOOD. It's TIME our society begins to say ENOUGH of this shite....
[quote]Really bro? Wake up. Each time the "pendulum swings", we lose more and more. You're being played. The Patriot Act didn't come about when Christians were targeted. [/quote] Really, bro. Read some of my posts. I am notoriously one of the most hopeless you'll find. :cheers: Our tr...
Translation: the powers that be may finally be thinking it's time the pendulum swings back the other way for a while? Good omen, indeed?...
[quote]This could theoretically work as long as the mic is only cut based on time, and not due to a "fact checker" or "neutral arbiter" AND both candidates agreeing on a moderator. [/quote] I agree with this type of idea. I can't stand the childish gibberish after their time is up. If you get a ...

re: Do mosquito foggers work?

Posted by m2pro on 5/14/24 at 2:27 pm
[quote]You can try everything. The only thing that truly works is a screened porch.. [/quote] And a large fan you can sit in front of, not just under. Fans work b/c/ they can have too powerful of air for the skeeters, of course. but they also send your carbon dioxide away from you which make...
They have an alternative play. They're just waiting to spring it. Biden is absolutely not able to beat Trump this time, and they know it. ...

re: What are white people good at

Posted by m2pro on 5/12/24 at 11:17 am
[quote]Colonizing [/quote] We are currently getting our asses kicked on that front. We are being colonized, and precious few give a damn....
[quote]You really think they will have a problem convincing them that Joe Biden is lucid???[/quote] The polling is showing that they have lost faith in Biden. These are the same kind of people that will pull: 9/11, create viruses and unleash them on us and force vaxes on us, rig elections, and...
I've held to my guns on that topic. There is no way Biden can be allowed to be their front man. He is an abject failure that is IMPOSSIBLE to obscure. ...
[quote]Lucky he has the swamp chip where you feel no Shame [/quote] If the measure of how a voter should feel shame for who they support is a guide, then democrats should never show their faces in public again. ...
I love that they acknowledge the uniparty by talking about how it doesn't exist....

re: They're training up in the hills ...

Posted by m2pro on 5/8/24 at 3:28 pm
"Imagine if this were republicans" will be on so many of our graves...