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Location:Constitutional Republic
Number of Posts:24380
Registered on:11/11/2008
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Before their game they were busy saying how annoying we would be playing them tomorrow after the way we won today. But they forgot to win sooooooo :rotflmao: :casty:...
Did he threaten to use f-16’s against Americans again?...
Why? Is their some reason you think the justice system might be weaponized against you? [i]In before conspiracy theory. [/i]...

Did we blow our wad in the sec tourney?

Posted by ezride25 on 5/31/24 at 1:10 pm
It is this “just baseball?”...
[quote]Most Americans now believe the only place they’re going to find justice is in the voting booth."[/quote] You call what happened in 2020 justice? There hasn’t been a shred of justice available to Americans from any of the three branches since then. Stfu you billions for Ukraine apologis...
For the same reasons they claim this isn’t lawfare. Their ends justify their means. ...
They also say they can’t definitively determine what a woman is. :dunno:...
Is an atrocity no American should abide. USSC, your move. ...
To have an excuse to suspend the “democracy” they claim to protect, just as was done in the puppet state of Ukraine. [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.com%2F6sUzryE8d4IAAAAd%2Freservoir-dogs.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=0f91f395347c26221e0d89bcccb86dddd1f8ce324a2...

re: Ok.........

Posted by ezride25 on 5/30/24 at 7:10 pm
Ok Maxine. ...
[quote]quote: If a girl was wearing a very short skirt and low cut top showing much cleavage, can we assume that she was asking for it? [/quote] Depends. Are you an illegal and/or do you currently reside in a leftist utopia?...

re: DOJ Crime is down across the U.S.!

Posted by ezride25 on 5/29/24 at 7:17 pm
Crime isn’t down but the prosecution of crimes certainly is. [i]That’s our specialty [/i] - DOJ prolly...

re: Yes, Jill. The Choice IS Clear

Posted by ezride25 on 5/29/24 at 1:18 pm
Destroy anything which can be described as wonderful or tremendous along with anyone who endeavors to create such a thing! - leftist shitlords...
I’d hope like hell I was smarter than sfp, but I’m inclined to think all that lawyerin just makes you stupid....
Hung jury until he’s convicted. As in they will hang jurors until they get their desired outcome. ...
I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to learn that deniro was one of the most frequent visitors to that island that guy who hung himself in prison precisely when every security camera in the whole place went offline used to have. ...
The problem with everything always being a problem is that everything is always a problem. :yawn:...
Thought you weren’t into conspiracy theories... :lol:...