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Registered on:3/1/2008
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[quote]I just looked it up. All-cause mortality for 2022, ages 25-34 was 180.8 In 2019, it was 128.8. That’s deaths per 100,000.[/quote] Democrats: That's only a 28.8% increase in the deaths of young people. Nothing to see here. Move along. If my math is right, that is an increase of rou...
Recognize a state that measures their GDP in dead bodies. Brilliant!...
Just another step on the road to revolution. The reckoning will be brutal, and awful, and cries for mercy will fall on deaf ears....
He will get all the attention he wants, and then some. He's sick and tired of the flag being represented by those "MAGA fricks." I'm guessing he left his American flag at home, and can't afford to go to Wal-Mart and buy one made in China even? Then he could represent the American flag how he would wa...

re: See, the animals are gay too

Posted by troyt37 on 5/17/24 at 2:28 pm
[quote]Regardless, it does dispel the idiotic idea that it's "unnatural."[/quote] No it doesn't, you idiot. If you film a male lion fricking a female lion 10,000 times for every time you film a male lion fricking another male lion, then one act is completely natural, while the other is an utter abe...
Rookie numbers. If Israel ever wants peace, they are going to have to pump those numbers up tenfold or more. probably need a few Mossad squads to clean up our college campuses as well....
If he is serious, he should have finished his article and then offed himself, right? It's like this with all of these assholes. Celebrities fly private jets to climate meetings, creating a larger carbon footprint than a hundred people for a year with one flight, in order to tell us how we need to ri...
[quote]They've been using regs and activist investor groups like Black Rock and others to drive political agendas for a decade. DEI didnt magically appear in the Fortune 500. It was driven home through carrot and stick intervention.[/quote] Jesse Jackson just smirked. Democrats been shaking do...
[quote]Why would I be? Don't conflate my apathy with support. I support a much more reduced government than anyone here.[/quote] Right. You sound like it. [quote]Says the dude supporting a big government liberal...[/quote] As opposed to the behemoth, juggernaut, omnipotent government liber...
[quote]I'm not afraid of the government.[/quote] Here’s where I insert the Joe Pesci “that’s a fricking surprise” gif. No shite you aren’t afraid of the government. The bigger it is, and the more powerful it is, the more you like it. The fact that there has been essentially no check on the federal ...
[quote]Is that a "yes?"[/quote] I did not get the vax, and have had covid twice. Does that answer your question? [quote]Y'all really need to compare notes before you come here and spout this kind of bullshite.[/quote] Talk about spouting bullshite. If the federal government's abhorrent RESPON...
[quote]Is Covid scary again?[/quote] Yeah, that's the response one would expect from a small government conservative. The federal government, which has spent billions (trillions?) of taxpayer dollars dealing with the effects of the covid virus, destroying the careers, and lives of hundreds of tho...

re: Hims CEO supports Hamas

Posted by troyt37 on 5/3/24 at 2:54 pm
[quote]He’s not supporting Israel? Argh [/quote] Here's your attention. I think you have to be in the top 5 of the biggest bitches on TD. Congrats....
[quote]Trump should also give Josh Hawley serious consideration[/quote] Been a Hawley fan for a while now. I like his style, and I think he’s damn smart. I just don’t think he brings a lot to the table and Missouri is a pretty safe state for Trump....
I fully acknowledge that I may be wrong on all 3 accounts. I just find the Catholic answer self-serving, and losing all context from the scripture. Jesus asks "who do the people say that I am?" [quote]13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Who...
[quote]Nope, but I'd like to hear your interpretation of that verse.[/quote] I'd like a cold beer and a cigar. People in hell want icewater. Place is full of fire, and people who read the words of the Bible and decided those words mean the exact opposite of what they say. ...
[quote]Maybe yours. Let's hear it.[/quote] You need it explained to you? Froward means crookedness, twisted, distorted, on the wrong path. Does that help?...
[quote]Missed the point entirely. Everything written in the Bible which is said to have been God's word relies on the truthfulness of the person hearing God.[/quote] Or, possibly the thousands of cross references and concordances among the dozens of writers over several centuries means it is the ...
1 Peter 2:18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. What is your favorite (complete opposite) interpretation?...
[quote]Everything GOD has said has been interpreted in some way.[/quote] Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. If that can possibly be interpreted to mean that it is okay to be a homosexual, then is it being interpreted by Christians? ...