Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Lower Alabama
Biography:Poster on BOL/Bama247 since Aug. 2002
Number of Posts:37
Registered on:1/17/2024
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

[quote]Jalrn Milroe is a known quantity. Unless Deboer or someone else on the staff is as good with quarterbacks as Lane Kiffin, then there is no helping him. Ty Simpson hanging around is an extraordinary off season win.[/quote] So I’ve said for 28-30? Months now that Milroe seems to be a fabulo...

re: Saban mentioned it last weekend

Posted by TomFromBama on 5/23/24 at 9:04 pm
[quote]I’ve got a better idea. Don’t pay them anything but a chance to earn a higher education. Until the adults of this country put these children in their place, all these entitled spoiled rotten children will never value education, institutions of higher learning or any type of respect for thei...

re: Wisconsin - who's going?

Posted by TomFromBama on 5/23/24 at 8:53 pm
I have a lot of fond memories of good times spent in Mad-town many years ago when I was a young man. I’d dearly love to go and have another Gyro at the Parthenon on State Street! AND Camp Randall has a reputation as one of the best venues in the B1G-Ego conference. But health will prevent it. ...
[quote]Virginia over Va Tech. We want THE state school, not the Auburns in the ACC. I guarantee you the top priorities are UNC and Virginia. Clemson and FSU after that just to make sure Florida and South Carolina have their Auburns to put up with.[/quote] No offense, but if have learned ANYTHING ...
[quote]NS said about 70 or so wanted to know about playing time and money. So it sounded like more than a handful. Check out the portal guys and I assume it was them.[/quote] Wow. Talk about some brass Balls - go out and crap the bed on a national stage - come home and demand a raise??? Wow…. ...

re: Clemson files lawsuit after FSU.

Posted by TomFromBama on 3/21/24 at 8:19 am
[quote]More about primetime marquee matchups than population with the new tv deals. [/quote] Respectfully, we are not talking about different things. I think we are talking about the same idea, just saying it differently. Money drives all these decisions. I think we all agree....

re: Clemson files lawsuit after FSU.

Posted by TomFromBama on 3/20/24 at 6:17 pm
[quote]If the TV market is still what you are after you have to target Duke, UNC and the biggest prize ND. I doubt they would all be interested. Please no Virginia teams.[/quote] ALL it’s EVER been about is market share. Period. The only reason the SEC would take a team in a market where t...
[quote]College athletics has just about lost me. I mean, I know this will make the team I cheer for better, but it's just stupid. Realistically how far are we from guys leaving in the middle of the season and joining another team immediately? Sounds crazy but it feels like we're closer to that than ...

re: A Day questions

Posted by TomFromBama on 3/18/24 at 6:35 pm
[quote]I've been boycotting A-Day, ever since they named the Running of the Gumps.[/quote] I’ve NEVER heard that expression (running of the gumps) used by anyone other than a booger-eater....
[quote]Who is bandwagon fan to you? A woman who loves Bama but will go shopping when we start losing? Some dude who only roots for winners (Pete Carroll's USC, Patriots, Bama) and gets a new shirt when another team starts winning (Georgia)? The science nerd from Indiana who came to school at Bama...
[quote]25 posts huh? This board is supposed to be better than this.[/quote] Yea, I’m a newbie. Only been following CFB for ~45-50 years and only posting on sports boards for ~25 years. So I freely admit I have no “street cred” here. But if the worst that can be said of me is that I’m new [...

Bandwagon fixin’ to empty out?

Posted by TomFromBama on 3/5/24 at 11:39 am
Hate to be a downer, but I really think we are going to see the bandwagon empty out in short order - and a lot of our Frontrunner fans bail out…… Our last three season we went: 13-2 Won the SECC Game, and lost the NC game ONLY due to multiple key injuries; 11-2 but missed the SECC and P_ayoff...

re: To my new best friend Crimsonboz

Posted by TomFromBama on 3/5/24 at 11:20 am
Agreed!! I’m a fan! And I’m pulling for the guy and the whole program. I just hope we Still love him next January, regardless of what happens between now and then....
Love the optimism!!! To be perfectly clear, I am 100% pulling for CKD to kick butt and take names!. I hope he’s our head coach for 20+ years and that we are all crying when he eventually retires with a stack of NC’s and at least two statues on campus!!!!. I [b]really do [/b]hope that’s what happe...

re: AD Greg Byrne

Posted by TomFromBama on 3/5/24 at 10:41 am
[quote]No way I'm going to a school that fired my dad.[/quote] Even if they hand you $10-12 Million? I REALLY hope Byrne doesn’t go! I think he’s doing a pretty decent job at UA. But - fans think if sports as a religion. Everyone else knows it’s a business. And we have no idea IF a...
[quote]Not saying we didn’t have success doing that but there is a new mojo.[/quote] Let’s hope it’s a good “mojo.” Remember, Rich Neuhiesal had fun practices and great “mojo” too. He also didn’t win 6 NC’s or post the best w/l % in FBS (87.39%)……...
[quote]The idea of a costumed anthropomorphic mascot trying to look tough is just retarded in concept and would be worse in execution.[/quote] Agree COMPLETELY!!! [link=(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3d/79/f6/3d79f6c0b4253fe6a5f1bf7695e8b155.jpg)]LINK[/link]...

re: Gameday Options - Where to stay?

Posted by TomFromBama on 2/25/24 at 8:54 pm
We drive from Mobile, and usually stay in Meridian. To and from Tuscaloosa is about a 90 minute drive on a very decent stretch of interstate highway; the hotel rates are NOT raised at all on game weekends, and there is almost ZERO game day traffic coming or going....
[quote]Posted byMessage2020ChampsWhat is going to take to stop the fans from charging on to the court or field? by 2020ChampsIf a fan or player gets seriously hurt or killed, will schools stop people from charging on the court/field. So players who have just been in an emotional game are expected...
Still there, as others have noted. I haven’t been in years. But they used to have a “jam” night and local musicians wouldn’t come and play. Occasionally you’d even see local guys who were touring with nationally known bands....