Favorite team:Texas 
Number of Posts:953
Registered on:12/31/2023
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[quote]I hope Jim Jordan [b]drags their assess before their committee if possible. [/b] [/quote] Oh no! Not dragged before committee! This is why they do what they do. No consequences....
[quote]They’re going to send Trump to prison[/quote] They're going to lock him up in the Federal Reserve, for sure....
[quote]I served 20 years. I've been sent all over this world to fight Communism. I've been sent to help free countries from various dictators. I've fought terrorists for what I thought we as a country believed in. Today I am ashamed to be an American, For the simple fact that we as a country hav...
And job expansion via government expansion. ...

re: Louisiana talent is very meh

Posted by Longhorn Actual on 5/28/24 at 10:05 pm
[quote]Latinas and blondes in Texas >>>>>>> Cajun women and butterfaces in Louisiana[/quote] I'm a Texan and proud of our fine women, but this is just silly. The best looking women are usually very heavily mixed bloodlines/genetics (Brazil, Argentina, Lebanon). Louisiana is exactly that...
[quote]I have five[/quote] [quote]Oldest is 40 now.[/quote] 2 part question: How old is the youngest and which one is the best looking?...
Spot on. The other thing people fail to consider is how aerial combat is conducted these days. It's not "dogfighting" like in the movies. For the most part, it's about getting the enemy aircraft inside your weapons systems' envelope/range, taking a shot, then creating distance to stay out...
[quote]It's not "for the taking". Taiwan will destroy that production before they let China have it. [/quote] For a lawyer, your reading comprehension sucks. Taiwan destroying it, China destroying it, it being destroyed by war/invasion...the point remains unchanged. But thank you for your con...
All that + about 2/3rds of the world's semiconductor production for the taking. Taiwan has some formidable defenses, but China can take Taiwan if they want to. Taking Taiwan [i]without destroying everything in the process[/i] is another story. That's always been the rub....
The University of Louisiana, which I presume is the state's flagship, isn't represented?...
I’d like to see equality and diversity in those numbers. ...
[quote]Texas is the highest ranked MBA in the SEC.[/quote] And that’s the MBA ranking, which includes a lot of variables that are unrelated to academics (carbon footprint, diversity, %female, etc.). McCombs as a whole (not the “B-School ranking”, which is just the MBA ranking) is usually To...
"I want to be judged by someone who looks like me." I guess that doesn't apply to Whitey....
Google and Amazon? Nah. Ticketmaster? We’re on it! TM should be hammered, but it’s hilarious how they ignore much bigger and impactful fish. ...
[quote]How IN THE frick can Congresspersons get away with insider trading? Just one of innumerable WTF things in American Govt.[/quote] Their reasoning is that they have no way to avoid insider trading. By the very nature of their position, they know things, so they can't NOT trade on the informa...

re: Theist of the OT

Posted by Longhorn Actual on 5/22/24 at 7:45 am
[quote]Theist of the OT[/quote] Just the one?...
[quote]These guys were tied into the coup leader’s son and the whole thing was amateur hour. If the CIA was trying to stage a coup, they wouldn’t have sent those chuckleheads.[/quote] [quote]So if it was them it would have been done like....the bay of pigs or the two dozen failed attempts on Fidel....
[quote] My guess is they are, but officially what they were doing there was off the books. One of those "if you get caught, we don't know you" type of things. Successful 99/100 times. This is that 1 unsuccessful time.[/quote] Your reasoning is flawed. 99/100 would be a layup, thus negating the ...
[quote]I thought they carried cyanide pills for such situations[/quote] FFS...
[quote]keeps our influence in Africa[/quote] “Keeps” implies possession and the maintaining of such. We have very little influence in Africa. ...