Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:2171
Registered on:11/30/2023
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[quote]So I guess the question remains, would you rather have a Trump Gestapo cleansing[/quote] I hope Trump throws all these people in prison. We need an El Salvador like cleansing...except the jail the cartels in the federal government...
[quote]I don’t have a side[/quote] Stick to gaslighting your limp wristed husband. You are firmly on the side of child groomers...
[quote]It hasn’t even been 24 hours. But are you proud that one party takes action while your party just complains on the internet without doing anything?[/quote] The threat of years of years in prison from YOUR side without trial is a pretty strong deterrent to dissent...
[quote]How much are they paying you to bombard the board with bullshite?[/quote] It really is the same BS. Every time something major politically happens, bots flood the scene to make it seem like there is actually support for Groomer shenanigans ...
[quote]You drank and smoked too much evidently because you’re clearly an idiot despite quitting[/quote] He partied hard and spent time in jail...but now that hes stopped he sees more clearly than folks who have never been doing those things...
[quote]ShinerHorns[/quote] I guess trolling the board with the same stupid schtick is acceptable to the mods...
Cant disagree with anything. If I have to share a country with NY and pretend that their values are in the same stratosphere as mine...ill pass on celebrating that. I say let them do their thing, I want to part of it. Its time for red states to move along...
[quote]Trump was convicted by a jury of 12 citizens.[/quote] And Kim Jong Un was elected with 99% of the vote of North Korean citizens. You bots are something else...
[quote]You can all go frick yourselves and your corrupt arse "president". A jury convicted this man in record time and yall want to pretend he is innocent. How to destroy the judicial system an install a dictator 101.[/quote] So you were put in jail for a harmless crime...and you think political...

re: Civil disobedience

Posted by scottydoesntknow on 5/31/24 at 4:08 am
[quote]Maybe show up on July 11th for the sentencing in New York to protest.[/quote] This would be very unwise. You are not guaranteed legal treatment in NY and I would avoid NY like the plague. The best thing to do is boycott...
[quote]The problem with this sort of thing is you actually need evidence for it to work. While regular people believe accusations pretty easily, courts require you to actually have evidence. We see this with a lot of the court cases and third party investigations that have been instigated by GOP p...
[quote]Too much drama queen shite on here tonight. Jeezus.[/quote] This is the mindset of a child. The leader of the opposition being prosecuted on absolute bogus nonsense is third word, communist BS...and bots here think its fine because their Disney plus account still works just fine...

re: Civil disobedience

Posted by scottydoesntknow on 5/31/24 at 3:49 am
[quote]quote:Boycott New York. I will never spend a dime in this state ever again Conservatives have been fricking themselves for decades going to NYC, watching Hollywood products... And they'll keep doing so, they like comfort over truth.[/quote] I cant disagree. Im in Poland right now. They ...
[quote]quote:I’ll be on the right side of history!Lol[/quote] They can stay on that side...but theyll be begging to come back to our side once theirs has been destroyed by their own making...
Stay in red states until the election. If any federal agents try to arrest them, the local police should apprehend the federal agents, take them to jail, and prosecute them...
This is the answer. The time for "principles" is over. Thats basically Neville Chamberlien appeasement. Its time for Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, Florida, etc to start prosecuting. Hell give that corrupt judge a summons ...

re: Civil disobedience

Posted by scottydoesntknow on 5/30/24 at 4:43 pm
[quote]Boycott New York.[/quote] I will never spend a dime in this state ever again...

re: Possible End Times Senario

Posted by scottydoesntknow on 5/30/24 at 7:07 am
[quote]Partial-preterist is the de facto historic position of Christianity on eschatology. The rapture doctrine is a product of dispensationalism being created in the mid-1800s by John Nelson Darby.[/quote] I prefer to take the words of Jesus more literally which lends to what you are saying...

re: Possible End Times Senario

Posted by scottydoesntknow on 5/30/24 at 6:49 am
[quote]Then I would call you a Preterist. Do you believe in the Rapture?[/quote] No ...

re: Possible End Times Senario

Posted by scottydoesntknow on 5/30/24 at 6:47 am
[quote]You can't find The Abomination of Desolation in AD 70. It's coming son... Very soon.[/quote] I love how we assume we know exactly what these events will look like and that we are 100% confident history happened exactly as we are told...