Favorite team:Kentucky 
Location:KY/TN border
Number of Posts:102
Registered on:10/9/2023
Online Status:Not Online

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Kentucky doesn't share a land border with most of the midwestern states it touches. They call it the Ohio ocean here for a reason....
Kentucky isn't deep south. It's upper south. Except for the 3 counties at the top. That's just Ohio....
It's not about fast food. You can lose weight eating fast food. It's the calories. Therefore. Tax all hypor-caloric food? So basically tax all the cheap food in America?...
Yeah the war has evolved into trench warfare with drones. Because Ukraine has little to no air force. This is why american doctrine is so heavily focused on air superiority. ...
Is this supposed to be some Russian hype? Lol, guys who fought guys with rusty AK's and RPGs are now fighting a 2nd world millitary. And saying it's harder? Is that news?...
Russia getting in bed with the taliban? Lol, wow. Yet idiots in here will still back Russia. Russia's millitary might be 2nd class. But they might have the best informational war department in the world. Look at the modern left, and the Russian supporting republicans....
Wonder if Bill Gates has any investment placed into any death panels? Maybe some vaccines in Africa?...
I'd take my money on the US if we ever fought russia. Do they have anything like a B-21? F-22? Didn't think so. Our old-arse missles from the 90s are sinking their new ships ffs....
China is gonna be entering a people problem soon. The one child policy is nuts. Also, if they ever go to war. The populace won't be too happy when their sons all die. And they have no other kids to fall back on....
I wasn't trying to make anyone's sacrafice in vain. Just pisses me off that these men died for basically nothing....
No one has fought for our freedom or country since 1941. Listen to Eisenhower's speech before he left office. He even told you....
We did. We killed 1.3M NVA/VC....

re: Chaz Lanier commits to Tennessee

Posted by cwil1 on 5/25/24 at 8:19 pm
It's true. If you beat UK at least once that's all that matters. The rest is just gravy. That's the way it's always been for your program. You are the same tards that brag about ''most wins against UK'' but also have the most losses against UK....

re: Chaz Lanier commits to Tennessee

Posted by cwil1 on 5/24/24 at 8:19 pm
Let's see if regular season Rick can get to the final four this year. But who am I kidding. As long as the vols beat UK once that's a good season for them....
Regarding your last sentence. Aint that the damn truth....