Favorite team:Alabama 
Biography:Teacher and fan
Number of Posts:90
Registered on:7/29/2023
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My husband who isn’t a pitching coach like some believe ;-) said the same [quote]I’m a little surprised Farone is getting the nod today. He has struggled some lately[/quote] ...
When do the teams start posting possible pitching rotations? Or is this when they hold it to themselves until GT?...
That is really good to know. Thank you for the explanation ...
Just read that the Tallahassee Regional is the second hardest regional based on power ratings....
I guess we weren’t a bubble team after all. Our series win against Tennessee and Arkansas (when they were #1) played a big role. Roll Tide...
[quote]tell your husband we got some work to do[/quote] I’ll let him know, but my husband’s work will not help our pitchers, hitters or coaches ;-) As far as regionals, I must be reading in the wrong places bc I’m not seeing us listed as the first 4 out. One still has us as a 2 seed after our...
I don’t think AD was part of the food poisoning debacle that most others got. His started once they got back per my sources...
That is what I was hoping for too. ...
Is AD there? I haven’t seen him on the screen like normal...
That’s 2 lost in the lights and both outfielders were a good ways off....
Anyone know why Snell was taken out from pitching, but remained in to hit? I thought maybe he was cramping...
We are TBA on the starting pitcher. Is it due to Smell going in to pitch on Friday? Hope everyone is good...
We got to get that W against Troy...
“Due to widespread illness affecting the University of South Florida baseball team, Saturday's game at ECU has been postponed.” this was today. SEC denied our requests and more than half of our staff are sick. It’s around 24 or 25 that traveled who are ill. Explain the rationale like I’m a child bec...
I doubt State wants to win like this so the fact that we have more players on the team sick versus healthy makes this dumb...
Adams was at the hospital per his mom on social media so the fact he’s even out there today shows us a lot. I cannot believe the SEC wouldn’t approve a double header or late start considering the amount of players sick right now...
This isn’t how I saw this going tonight...