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Location:Baton Rouge
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Registered on:12/2/2007
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[quote]Good news. Your wait is over. It’s the final season so they no longer care about viewer numbers.[/quote]SO EVERYONE IS GONNA BE A TRANS? [img]https://i.imgur.com/f5oslLF.gif[/img]...
According to my wife as she rolls her eyes after hearing me say that the girl on NewsRadio "sure is pretty", Maura Tierney is "my type"....
[quote]The model was never going to work even for the original founders[/quote] they had a shot in that existing market (if they could figure out a way for the theaters to give them discounts) but COVID and the proliferation of streaming platforms would've hit them hard....
It's an okay documentary, very glad that I watched it. We were heavily invested (time-wise) in MoviePass from the start. The doc starts in the middle, which was a bit off-putting, before going back to the original creators of MoviePass (not the two thieves who pushed them out and immediately ran th...
[quote] Is that tranny still in it?[/quote]Your dad was in it? ETA: Sorry, your mom was in it?...
[quote] First things first, the plural of wolf is wolves. Secondly, trailer looked decent.[/quote]If you knew Joe Cow and Bob Cow, would you call them Cattle?...
[quote]Cosmic Book News is nothing but rage bait and bullshite fake sources. [/quote]Which is why I didn't bother clicking on it....
Sell it to FOX News so we can see it from The Empire's perspective for a few years....
Now I want a sequel to The Freshman, with Zane playing Jimmy the Toucan's ghost. ...

re: Morgan Spurlock dead at 53

Posted by Fewer Kilometers on 5/24/24 at 9:45 am
Super-Size Me affected me to the point where I was off of fast food for a while. Then I found out it was all bullshite and I hated the guy. He sort of redeemed himself partly in my eyes when he walked out of Catfish and said, "That's the best fake documentary I've ever seen." I watched his 30 D...
[quote]Monica Bellucci[/quote] [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/ioopmOHLqIDfGxLLKG/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952tslf0ir1ljkn5uepx9d7pep7isnlncbz76s9th2o&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]Yeah not a one of his jokes in the trailer was funny but I’ll give it a go.[/quote] Come on. "Y'all the Lego cops." That's funny....

re: I broke Venmo.

Posted by Fewer Kilometers on 5/23/24 at 9:40 am
[quote]They held 14,5k for exactly 180 days when they suspected fraud.[/quote]Never, ever, use Venmo or PayPal as a parking spot for your money. I had a friend who had tens of thousands frozen by PayPal because one of their suppliers was providing them with stolen merchandise to sell on consignment....
Gives me a vibe of the British The Office, which seemed less sitcommy than the American version. A blue collar version of that....
[quote]What's the deal with people trashing up public restrooms?[/quote]I think you can divide them into two portions: • People without power who see this as their way of easily affecting society. • People with power who just look down on the rest of the world....

re: I broke Venmo.

Posted by Fewer Kilometers on 5/22/24 at 9:50 am
[quote]Anyone encounter this problem and successfully fix it?[/quote]Yes. I didn't go over the limit, but by sending a large amount to someone right off the bat, they shut my new account down. I'm assuming that they froze your account. Go here: [link=(https://help.venmo.com/hc/en-us/articles/2104...
[quote] Disney can’t afford another marvel studios bomb with that tentpole franchise[/quote]They can and they will. ...
[quote]The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988)[/quote]The film that put Terry Gilliam in the driver's seat to direct Watchmen, while hamstringing him at the same time. Munchausen production was so drawn out and overbudget, they put restrictions and a low budget on him for Watchmen....