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Registered on:2/16/2022
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I just can’t fathom taking his contract on. I agree he’s a great player on offense but Willie is a defense guy. I think he’d much rather Murray than young and maybe get a 1st from Atlanta too. I dunno, it’s going to be interesting what happens. I’m most curious what the plan is for center. If you di...
And do what with Nance? If they draft this kid they might as well just sign Jonas for MLE type money, maybe 2 years $24 million, to be your starting center. Then trade Ingram for Dejounte Murray or a PG that can run an offense efficiently. ...
Germany is sending yet another Patriot in their aid package along with more missiles for IRIS-T systems, more Marder 1A3 IFVs, other armored vehicles, EW equipment, self propelled anti air defense systems (not sure which), hundreds of sniper rifles, reconnaissance and FPV drones, new barrels for art...
You’re right I should have refrained and said I’m ashamed at our judicial system and our political leadership but I’m never ashamed to be an American. ...
Our judicial system is now a complete joke to the entire world. A sitting POTUS uses the justice system to fight his opponent because he can’t fight him alone himself. What a complete crock of shite. It’s going to be hilarious when all this blows up in the Dems faces and Trump rolls Biden in November...
No as long as they have airworthy Su-24M aircraft they will fulfill that particular mission. If they had to though the F-16 can carry also do it. The F-16 will be more about SEAD and air to ground sorties as well as regular combat patrols looking for enemy aircraft or missiles/drones launched. The 2...
Ukraine has some of the sexiest women on earth. Finding pussy would be the easiest thing done during the entire war. Plus they would love them some American dick because it might get them a ticket to the USA. But in all seriousness Ukraine needs to train their own people . It’s fine to have advisors...
If I remember correctly Greece backed out of that deal am I right? Of course that would be great if they did but it will be at least 1-2 years before you start seeing the F-16 in large numbers operating. The training needed for not only the pilots which is intense for an American learning on an Amer...
If they let F-16s intercept Russian aircraft firing from Russian soil then they have gone all the way. HIMARS would be no different and I would expect them to be allowed to hit targets over the border. It’s time for the gloves to come off because Russia never had any gloves on in the first place. ...
Yes the F-16 can carry Storm Shadow. ...
The Russians tried hitting the home of the 7th Tactical Aviation Brigade in western Ukraine again. It’s the base that the Su-24Ms that carry the Storm Shadow is based out of. Ukraine has those precious last few airframes of that type in their inventory well protected and Storm Shadow missiles would ...
2 large ferries used for both military and civilian transport in Kerch were hit by ATACMS. ...
It’s honestly really sad how hard you are trying to be a troll.Do better. Literally everything you just said is complete bullshite and once more you know it. Russia are peaceful people? Then why did they invade another sovereign country killing innocent civilians, looting and destroying everywhere th...
Sweden is sending its entire fleet of retired Pansarbandvagn 302 APCs to Ukraine in order to outfit several new brigades being formed. Over 600 were produced over the vehicle’s lifetime. [link=(https://mil.in.ua/en/news/sweden-to-transfer-all-its-pansarbandvagn-302-apcs-to-ukraine/)]LINK[/link]...
I agree about his attitude. He also needs to get a lot stronger. He’s a strange player to me. Clearly has #1 star potential but it also feels like he just might never get quite there to his potential. ...
Houston gave him 3 years $72.5 mil with $52 million guaranteed. With AJ Brown resetting the market making $32 mil a year I’d say $24 million a year would be a steal. Offer it to him now before this year because if he has a huge year he will want a lot more. ...
And some people actually talk about including him in a trade this offseason. Herb should be untouchable. ...
Most likely a season ending injury. Depends how long ago he had the surgery. He’s been a great rotational player for the money we pay him. ...
They need to equip 2 or 3 more Bradley brigades. The 47th can’t be expected to do it all and the Ukrainians really love the Bradley and you’re right, it gives them a big morale boost anytime one is on the battlefield. I would t send another tank but I would pull a couple hundred more Bradley’s out o...