Favorite team:Georgia 
Location:Los Angeles/USC Trojans fan/alum
Biography:Graduate of both UGA (Dawgs) and USC (Trojans) in television broadcast news/film; TV commercials/stage acting/former writer
Occupation:Retired (thankfully!)
Number of Posts:7340
Registered on:10/11/2020
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....after they finish whipping the Moo Moo's hangin' chads come October. [b][i]“I think that living here can be really fun, but as a tourist, you’re pretty much just drinking, and there isn’t even a lot of entertainment for folks who are drinking… I think a lot of people come for festivals, so ...
AND.........interestingly, they lost the first game played in those sports finals. If the Tide make the CWS, that could be a first for any sports program to have ever accomplished this quadfecta (I'll have to dig into that further, but my time is short - someone else do it). Alabama's steppi...
[quote]you should just drop it....not a good look for you...[/quote] you just don't look good, period. ...
[quote]Huh?[/quote] If you were the least bit educated about college sports, you'd know that Mizzou's '07 title is NCAA-recognized. Geeez, no wonder Bama fans always have a field day with Auburn fans. ...
[quote]Makes up quote regarding Atlanta the,“ Los Angeles of the East”. Deflects to name calling when called out for being a moron. Classic. Lmao[/quote] You respond like the typical marxist dumbocrats by making truths appear as lies -- deflect this: Gaytorettes smokin' mad 'cuz the Dawgs keep bea...
Just in time to prevent Trump from winning another election. Marxist USA here....we....are. ...
[quote]Right. When you use quotations you’re quoting something. Even in your reach of an article about Buckhead - an affluent part of Atlanta and not the actual city itself- did anyone say Atlanta is “Los Angeles of the East” lmao The article about movies is cute too. Still searching for where “p...
UCLA's on a roll. Georgia beat'em earlier in the season, but got blown out by them in the Super. ...
[quote]Atlanta's known as the "Los Angeles of the East"[/quote] [quote]This is not a thing. No one has ever said this.[/quote] Wanna make a bet? It's been referred to in various media in the past as such. Many comparisons between the urban areas have been made. Atlanta's most affluent a...
[quote]Name another game of any significance where the fans are split at the 50.. that is very different than GA-FL.. That is unique.[/quote] Split at the 50, yes, OU-TX is now unique. However, UGA-UF used to be the same way -- EXCEPT while the WLOCP was also split at the 50, the stadium was d...
[quote]The Cotton Bowl, split down the middle, during the State Fair, 190 miles from each campus, is a unique setting in all of sports.[/quote] I've covered the OU-Texas game a few times in the past. Unique? No. Georgia-Florida is also split down the middle. In fact, the stadium used to split...
[quote]It certainly exceeds UGA-Florida It’s way behind the iron bowl[/quote] To be honest, I'd put it slightly ahead of the UGA-UF Cocktail Party. Question: with the doing-away of the divisions, does anybody think that by placing both the OU-Texas AND UGA-UF games toward the end of the se...
Better than Alabama-Auburn? Better than Georgia-Florida? As the news articles/video have shown that he's throwing "shade" on the SEC.............. ...........#1: do you all think he's just trying to get all the rest of us riled up on purpose? ........or........ ...........#2: is he afrai...
Athens-Clarke County (city & county merged years ago) are actually part of the Greater Atlanta area (Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Athens/Clarke), although it's 75 miles from Atlanta. Atlanta's known as the "Los Angeles of the East" as it's so sprawled out in every direction. The Palm Springs-Cathedra...
[quote]OP, are you a Dodgers or Angels fan?[/quote] I presuppose you're speaking of baseball and not God's angels or Satan's angels??? Dodgers, of course!!! [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/fa/45/5e/fa455e74bcace6d1b30666fe575abf96--dodgers.jpg[/img] [img]https://wallpaperaccess.com/full/337...

re: Since they will never win the SEC

Posted by JetDawg on 5/29/24 at 8:26 pm
Is OU doing a similar-type celebration? Seems Texas is quite excited about being in the SEC. ...
[quote]ive always thought of dallas as the NYC of the south[/quote] That title has always belonged to Atlanta. Dallas is the Chicago of the South. ...
[quote]Why would SOUTH CAROLINA be afraid of the SEC?[/quote] Don't you pull this shenanigan and think you'll get away with it, Mr. Chicken! :)...
Lincoln Riley may be scared of the SEC, but USC's NEVER EVER been afraid to play the SEC or anyone else. Alabama (6-2) and Florida (1-0-1) are the only SEC schools -- including Texas & Oklahoma -- that have a winning record vs. the Trojans. Trojans don't back down from anyone. The USC adm...