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re: Champions League Final Tmrw

Posted by Boodis Man on 5/31/24 at 3:37 pm
madrid 'should' win, but i'm gonna drop some cash on dortmund....something feels weird about the game tomorrow. ...
told yall hamas was going to win. nobody would listen, but here we are...
[quote]Islam: Muhammad fricking a 6 year old is cool, but those gays are the real problem![/quote] he waited until she was 9. no need to lie on the guy...
The rainbow people’s obsession with using soccer as a marketing platform has got to end. Don’t understand how fifa has allowed this to happen for so long….99% of players are straight heterosexual. If u want to market to gay demographic then market wnba, figure skating and lame shite like that ...

re: Luka Gonna Get His Rang

Posted by Boodis Man on 5/30/24 at 10:03 pm
Almost there baws...
[quote]This is correct. Hamas rejected two-state proposals, even when the PLO agreed. Uri Savir’s book, “The Process” is a real eye opener. The Israelis had agreed to the two-state arrangement. Hamas started suicide bombings immediately after the deal for the Palestinian self-governance with the PLO...
[quote]Won't be able or won't be allowed ?[/quote] they 'won't be able to' because they don' t really want hamas gone, hamas is the only legit excuse that they can use to avoid a two state solution...
Pretty clear at this point that Israel won’t be able to beat hamas...
[quote]There’s only one state as is.[/quote] West Bank and Gaza are not part of the Israeli state ...
Disagree, the only folks not really on social media and YouTube are 50+ folks. The future voting base, ie the people you want to market to are on the same platforms as him...
This series is coming back to Dallas. If wolves steal that one , they finally snap the 0-3 curse in the nba...
what does 'our arse is in the jackpot' suppose to mean? that sounds shady as hell for an umpire to say...
[quote]I look at the map and see Gaza and the West bank and it's clear to me that Israel should annex all of it and be done with this mess. Claim it and move on.[/quote] so you support a one state solution then? that would be the end of a jewish state in the long run....
listening to it now. thoroughly enjoying it...
star wars is already dead mate. disney killed it...
some car companies are smartening up and looking to make Hydrogen ICE engines a reality: [link=(https://www.westernstandard.news/business/porsche-quietly-works-to-save-internal-combustion-engine/54755)]Porsche quietly working on hydrogen ICE engine[/link]...

re: Cuba today

Posted by Boodis Man on 5/28/24 at 2:57 pm
I heard Cuban citizens make $20 a month. It’s basically like North Korea over there...
if you believe the climate alarmists, long term we will be living on mars, saturn moons or more preferably, Halo like space ring habitats. So i'll say Elysium...