Favorite team:US Space Force 
Location:Revelation 20:11
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Registered on:7/30/2020
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[quote]there's a type of shampoo not made anymore that I'd like to have. smell takes me back in time.[/quote] Same. (Clairol[i] 'Herbal Essence'[/i]) ?...
Those are some sweet specific memories. Amazing how sounds and smells can bring you back. -- The nostalgic scent of Irises in the spring -- Honeysuckle in the summer (and as a kid carefully drawing out the stigma and sucking its sweet dew) -- The soft drone of a propeller airplane in th...

re: Enjoy this last day of May

Posted by Liberator on 5/31/24 at 10:22 am
So who is it who officially signs off on all these tiring bulls#t "Honorarium" Months or Days of the year? Who specifically signed off on behalf of this homo-larceny of not only an ENTIRE month of June, but hijacked THE best month of the year without anywhere near consensus from America?? ...
By poring through a whole new set of even more hilarious rainbow-themed TD memes. :bow:...
[quote]James Carville called Trump a Chicken[/quote] At least Trump ain't an Alien from Planet Ugly....
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GO6eS9DWwAAIVeV?format=jpg&name=medium[/img] [b][i]"I HAVE NEVER SEEN AMERICA THROUGH A PARTISAN LENS...."[/i][/b] ~ Joe ("For Sale to the Highest Bidder, regardless of Party agenda") Manchin What a fair and sincere chap....
This entire story reeks of Twilight Zone meets Frankenstein monster: [quote]...[b]The [i][u]cancer vaccine[/u][/i] revolution: how they work, how likely you are to get one... and how [i]they're [u]made in the same way[/u] as the [u]Covid jabs[/u][/i][/b][/quote] They give away the game in thi...
[quote]There's no way that's real... I'd just have to see a shite ton more to believe all of the above is real than just hearing it from that random guy. Or another way to put it, the dude in the video is just trolling.[/quote] Oh, it be real. (Known for many years) You and others may eithe...
[quote]The majority will write off those questioning it as loons, because [u]everyone saw it blow up on tv.[/u][/quote] Of course. This is the default mid set. WHO KNEW?? Of ALL .goob agency, ONLY NA$A somehow is credible, legit, is totally believable -- with no dark malevolent agenda whats...
[quote]Raskin ” if Trump is elected, he will weaponize the DOJ Also Raskin, “ The DOJ should force the conservative SCJ’s to recuse themselves!”[/quote] Exactly THE MO of 'Rats Inc. Amazing how such blatant Hypocrisy + Tyranny (D) has been given official political cover. ...
[quote]Meanwhile, over at the United Methodist [i]Mother Church Clergy Meeting[/i]: LINK[/quote] WOW.... #Twilight Zone-like meeting. What a trainwreck. Once the ol' "Clergy Meeting" starts off with,[i] "My pronouns ARE...."[/i] (one after another after another), it's all over. Right over a c...
[quote]I think that "dude" with the short hair is a biological woman. [i]Those huge tits have too much sag to be all implants[/i].[/quote] I appreciate the scouting report, but ....you seem to be looking waaay too close for my comfort at this creature. :lol:...
[img]https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/05/anti-trump-protestor-holds-signs-82934418.jpg?resize=1536,1024&quality=75&strip=all[/img] [b]"HIT THAT ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, BABY!!"....[/b] ...with space lasers, nukes and the kitchen sink -- it's the only way to be sure :lol: ...

re: Negro League stats to count

Posted by Liberator on 5/30/24 at 12:55 pm
[quote]You can’t destroy a society unless you destroy its history.[/quote] +100 Baseball "history" in America[i] had[/i] been up there with "Apple Pie", Moms", and Chevy. "Revising" it helps destroy it. The Sociopaths-in-Charge strategy is obviously to vandalize and ridicule everything arse...

re: Negro League stats to count

Posted by Liberator on 5/30/24 at 12:47 pm
Wait till the Wakanda Baseball League stats are folded in. ("It really was a 'different time'") :lol:...
[quote][b]I see a lot of similarities between the plights of modern protestantism and western liberalism.[/b] Both (protestantism and western liberalism) accomplished amazing things and growth in a way the "old world" could not/did not. Both...resonated with people and made faith/ideas real to pe...
[quote]I see with my own eyes, and the Catholic Church has been used to destroy many many millions of lives. It destroyed Latin America early last century, and now it's heavily working to destroy our nation. It still keeps nations south of us down. That doesn't even include the social destruction of...
[quote][b]Champagne[/b]: [b][i]NO CATHOLIC HATE AT ALL ON TIGERDROPPINGS, FOLKS![/i][/b][/quote] STOP. Your incessant persecution complex (as you toss stones, rocks and trash continually at Bible-believing Christians) is like a computer program, running like clock-work. It's absolutely pat...
[b]Champagne quote:[/b] [i]You are hating on my Church and yet it is your Protestantism that is shattering into pieces. Your hate is misdirected.[/i] [quote]Tasseo quote: I'm not hating on it, [b]I'm calling it out for it's actual known issues. [/b] [b]You are just too sensitive to see h...
[quote]What possible reason would NASA have to fake a shuttle crash?[/quote] What does watching any or all shocking events[b][u] in public[/u][/b], similar to the Challenger Explosion or JFK or any number of events since do to the masses? Theories: [i]Mass Ritual Abuse & Trauma ? Mind...