Favorite team:Auburn 
Biography:Military Brat. Grandfather recruited the 1957 National Chmpionship Team. Great Uncle was a Professor of Electrical Engineering at Auburn. Three Brothers graduated
Interests:Golf, Officiating Football and Baseball.
Occupation:Sales Management retired
Number of Posts:6748
Registered on:5/8/2020
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We are trying to get the country beyond a dementia ridden fool now. Suddenly you want one that admits his brain was half eaten by a worm..........

The gift that keeps on giving

Posted by bluedragon on 5/31/24 at 4:07 pm
YesterdayBidden announced that if his peace plan in Gaza is accepted.,….American Taxpayers will pay to rebuild Gaza. Imagine being so desperate for Michigan votes, He guarantees billions for Gaza They are going to burn far more in Chicago this summer....
You really are this dense aren’t you? A non disclosure agreement,, signed before a check being handed over, legally binds both participants to the agreement. Looks like you are stupid enough to keep paying. ...
No. I was in a court hearing where the Florida Judges order. “Where in the hell did Georgia get the damned impression they had jurisdiction over Florida? My order “Any warrant from Georgia, you call her office. She drives to you and gets booked. She leaves and drives back to her office. A...
I see Trump for four and Vivek for eight. Inflation rolled up again. Dems sold their souls for this. Blacks are realizing the slave masters are the Democrats. Chicago is going to burn this summer....
Not as bright as you think you are....
Try again. Definitely not a legal scholar Just making shite up. What do you do for a living? Empty trash cans from the boardroom?...
Bull, you are making crap up....
Then admit the Biden family scheme, admit that Hunter is guilty, admit you stole classified documents as a Senator…… Admit your guilt, then let’s talk…..until then Frick off...
The only entry into the Trump Corp accounting Legal Fees for Cohen ......it doesn't go i as itemized .....Just Legal Fees. Then under oath on a witness stand ......Cohen admits he stole money from the organization. $60,000 plus ..........
Exactly ......How many times since the Civil War have accused Blacks faced all white police forces, All White Courts, All White Justice systems .... The Democrats rolled the dice and stand a chance of facing what Trump has represented all along ........The system is corrupt and the system is rigg...
Hey MORON! At the time you were convicted it was a crime and you intentionally committed that crime. You can't identify the crime Trump is accused of because you would be exactly as uniformed as you were years ago .... "Frick" yourself. ...

re: Lincoln Project wasting no time

Posted by bluedragon on 5/30/24 at 8:28 pm
Trailer Park trash with the mentality to match....
Exactly what record of expense are you talking about? Every title you listed does not exist. All of sudden you read minds and know entries were or should been “ For hush money?” ...
Pretty bold position coming out of a socialist pig .........

re: Another question of many tonight.

Posted by bluedragon on 5/30/24 at 7:03 pm
Where Merchan or Bragg going to go? They are now fixed for life for following the dictate of the communist party. ...
There are rumors about little boys though. ...
Don't commit crimes .......go to jail because of your beliefs ......