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Registered on:2/19/2020
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Who else is watching? I was about to start a thread but I found this. I knew Kevin Nash ended up booking but it's looking like his pilled out arse was more responsible for the downfall of WCW than I ever thought. I know Bret Hart has his fans but Jesus I swear he's going to pop up in his coffin an...
[quote]In the event of a Civil War. Half the population will side with the Government. The opposition cannot win.[/quote] That is the most simple minded thing I've read today. People are shifting more and more towards Trump because identity politics get thrown aside when actual life is worse. P...
[quote]28 replies and 25% of them are political and racial bullshite. Yall need help.[/quote] This sort of blind bullshite is why your posts are immediately dismissed. It's your side that turned every single movement imaginable into racism, yet you post that meanie things in this thread are about...
[quote]I have watched his press conferences. While he can be erratic at times, he is clearly able to field questions and give reasonable answers. Biden is running the executive branch.[/quote] Is today opposite day for you? How in the hell could you even type that with a straight face?...
[quote]Hopefully these lawyers kids get killed by a drunk driver. [/quote] Good Lord dude. They're defense attorneys doing what defense attorneys do and you want their kids killed :confused:...
[quote]Tongue ripped out, blinded, and slowly tortured, being kept alive and in as much pain as poosible for as long as possible by being fed her own body parts and excrement[/quote] This. I hate the shoot her in the head quick death method. They need to go cartel style and skin her like a catf...
[quote]The squeals from those women were funny as shite…[/quote] That girl's shriek when he grabbed her was the funniest thing I've seen in a while :lol: Cop moved like the frickin Flash too...
[quote]If they were going to replace Joe, they would have. its basically too late.[/quote] It seems like it but I just cannot believe they're going to run this man and tell people that he can do this until he's 86. It's insane. He's worse now than he was just a year ago. Every single appear...
[quote]And y’all are complaining? Y’all ever seen the medical bills from surviving cancer? Some would rather have died than be on the hook for $125,000. Complain all y’all want, this drives a deep nail into big pharma.[/quote] Agree. I started having seizures two years ago and during the first o...
[quote]Prisoners (2013) by Denis Villeneuve[/quote] I totally forgot about this movie and I thought it was fantastic. Great cast and every actor nailed it. I'm going to look it up for a rewatch...

re: Just started watching Yellowstone

Posted by Corso on 6/11/24 at 1:43 pm
[quote]The Beth character ruined it for us and the show was really quite stupid after the first few episodes.[/quote] I actually started muting the TV every time Beth starts talking. Her being some kind of ultimate badass and dropping the mic every time she opens her mouth is the silliest and mo...
Let's be honest, Candace Owens is a lighter skinned straight haired pretty black girl that is MAGA so people act like she's legit. She's intelligent, and just enough to be a grifter and play the game. When she first came on the scene she had some really good points and some really impressive appea...

re: Who do the Democrats really nominate?

Posted by Corso on 6/10/24 at 8:08 pm
I've said for 2 years now there is no way in hell they can run this guy. He literally can't walk and talk, how can they possibly tell people he'll be doing this at 86 years old? If they replaced Kamala I could see cheating to get him in then replacing him, but Kamala is an absolute clown show and ...
[quote]I never suggested "I know what's going on" anywhere. I just firmly believe nothing has visited. The reasons are numerous, but distance and limitations on speed are the biggest.[/quote] Oh I wasn't arguing your point I was just replying about the other post. I actually agree that I don't th...
[quote]What does this mean?[/quote] I took it as pretending we know what the hell is going on out there, which I also think is absurd ...
[quote]Joe Biden was on stage with Donald Trump in 2020 for about 90 minutes and IMPROVED his position in the polls. Go back and watch the debate.[/quote] If you can't see how drastically Joe has deteriorated over the last 4 years then you're blind. He's getting worse by the week...
I'm more curious how Obama was already a millionaire as a community organizer and a senator for 5 minutes ...
[quote]Still can't figure out how she gets away with it. Is "The Tribe" simply incapable of outing her and simply allows her free reign? Are they petrified to call out one of their own and expose that culture for what everyone already knows - but is afraid to admit?[/quote] That's not the case he...
He's such a motherfricking idiot. Instead of sitting down to do real work he sits down to write a damn routine ...

re: AG Garland in front of house committee

Posted by Corso on 6/4/24 at 10:33 am
Great. More of our mighty Republicans sounding like the public defender in My Cousin Vinny [img]https://y.yarn.co/96de22ad-9555-480e-bfdd-1d232b3605be_text.gif[/img]...