Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:2792
Registered on:9/24/2019
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[quote]just hope we can keep Lebron.[/quote] I just don't see it happening unless he just loves being at UA. He's most likely already being tampered with and we don't have the NIL for baseball to even come close to matching any offers he gets....
I get keeping JJ around to smooth the transition and as gratitude for what he did as interim last season but it's time for him to go....

re: Tide Hoops | Offseason

Posted by RollTide33 on 5/30/24 at 9:15 pm
[embed]https://x.com/TP4PT/status/1796321634254807437?t=MxV8a25AL3QZjWoS-fr1Ag&s=19[/embed] Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this give JQ another year of eligibility?...
[quote]I don't think the lineman and receivers were even playing at 70% effort. Lot of "look out" blocks and drops.[/quote] Most of his passes weren't even close to catchable. And Ty was the one who got sacked 5 times not Buchner. The narrative that the team was tanking purposefully for Milroe is...
Well based on the offensive production of Sides and Wallace after leaving UA vs the production of the girls who stayed and did it Murph's way, I'm gonna say he's wrong and they're probably right. ...
I wouldn't send us to a regional if I've watched us play the last month....
Gonna be hard to replace Lebron....
Lost to an absolutely putrid barn team in a must win series. ...
[quote]Alabama earns the No. 14 national seed, hosting NCAA Regionals for the 19th-straight season![/quote] Earns. Lol. [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9523svt4p53lx35hz9ftp34bvq27ebygquonw3jsbdg&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]Yeah, I don't know how to embed the tweet so I had to go the old fashion way [/quote] Just copy the link to the tweet and then hit this button <> to post it....
[quote]And the announcers said before the game that Bama was still in the regional host talks. How can that be?[/quote] Name brand and one of the nicest softball stadiums in the country equals dollar signs. Same reason we got the easiest draw on earth to make the world series a couple of years ag...
Briski is going to be so good for some other team next year....
I'm betting you probably could have left the rest of the schedule after the second out. It probably won't be needed. ...
Tua was absolutely robbed of the Hesiman that season. ...
We getting run ruled no doubt....

re: Tide Hoops | Offseason

Posted by RollTide33 on 5/3/24 at 7:24 pm
Announcing a top 4 on Friday and a commitment on Sunday? He's absolutely hoping for a late bidding war tomorrow. I know it might not be popular but I kinda hope we stick with whatever we offered him on his visit and let the the chips fall where they may. ...

re: Tide Hoops | Offseason

Posted by RollTide33 on 5/3/24 at 7:15 pm
He already had his UNC visit and he's announcing Sunday....