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Registered on:11/24/2018
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Kennedy has become a caricature of himself. His Foghorn Leghorn act falls flat because all he does is talk. Nothing gets done. Howell Heflin, from Alabama, perfected this act years ago while sucking up government money for decades. ...
We can’t laugh at Russia and Banana Republics anymore. Now we have our own rigged elections, political persecution/prisoners and show trials. ...
I think Nuss will throw a lot of pics. He has a strong arm and no conscience. Sometimes it works and sometimes it gets you beat. ...
Anything to clear the board of baseball. ...
I did my time. Twelve years. I love my daughter, but glad it’s over. ...
Baseball is the tree falling in the woods. Nobody cares if it makes a sound or not. ...
I’ve never assigned a value to my character. ...

Recollection Road

Posted by Bamafig on 5/23/24 at 12:48 pm
An awesome YouTube channel for nostalgia. Lots of videos on lifestyle, fashion, movies, toys etc. any other recommendations for similar content?...
Germany has just been waiting for an excuse to detain a Jew for over 50 years!...
You ever worked for someone that should be taking Adderall?...
“Yeah, but at least I HAVE hair.”...
The union folks won’t give up and the demographics will eventually vote for a union and the clock for shutdown will begin. ...
Preliminary reports suggest entitled golfer versus typical insecure cop. ...
2002 Z71. 335,000 miles. It ain’t pretty but I haven’t had a truck payment since 2003 (different truck that my wife totaled right after paying it off)...

re: Is the OT currently pro or anti-cat?

Posted by Bamafig on 5/13/24 at 6:26 pm
Definitely pro cat. I never wanted the dog we have and will not allow another one. ...

re: Yellowjackets are underrated

Posted by Bamafig on 5/11/24 at 6:41 pm
What are you calling a green ground hornet? Sweat bees? Is there another name for them?...

re: Yellowjackets are underrated

Posted by Bamafig on 5/11/24 at 5:58 pm
Maybe that’s what is happening to those soccer players that hit the ground like a sniper got ‘em. ...