Favorite team:Atlanta Braves 
Biography:Born/Raised in LA
Interests:College Football, Most Sports
Number of Posts:10179
Registered on:2/2/2007
Online Status:Not Online

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My dad used to take his transistor radio onto Tiger Stadium and listen to John Ferguson do play by play while watching live. He said it was like two different games....
Just a private club giving "awards" to each other. They don't even try to dress it up anymore. ...
It's a setup to usher in Mike Obama...
The rant knows everything ...

re: Tipping at restaurants

Posted by tjohn deaux on 4/29/24 at 9:05 am
I don’t tip for counter service ...
I don't know what to believe. I don't trust that it's real, because I don’t trust the government and the media. I do believe the news in '69 was more straight forward news than now, but they still couldn't be trusted completely. I don't trust that it's fake, because I don't trust the government...
[quote]Not China???[/quote] My very first thought....
They can't force electric cars on us if gas is affordable. ...
[quote]I know it is some what taboo to say but not all Veterans are good people. I served with a few that were total pieces of shite. Even the nobliest of professions have their percentage of bad people.[/quote] [img]https://cdn2.psychologytoday.com/assets/styles/manual_crop_1_91_1_1528x800/public...
[quote]the darker the better[/quote] TWSS...

re: How many of y'all camp with RVs?

Posted by tjohn deaux on 4/6/24 at 11:39 am
[quote]How many of y'all camp with RVs?[/quote] Pretty much everyone that camps now days....

re: We should shut down all schools.

Posted by tjohn deaux on 4/6/24 at 11:27 am
Your "logic" is one of the biggest problems in the world. ...
Any time I see any article labeled with, "Studies show...," or anything that references some study, my propaganda flags go up and doubt enters. There is always an underlying agenda. ...