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Location:Louisiana is a shithole
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Registered on:10/14/2016
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Same. I don't like Trump. But the fact that the establishment is so scared of him seals it for me. They went as far as to prosecute him for something I'm pretty sure Bill Clinton also did. MAGA 2024! They're scared of him and that's good for us....

re: Aggy Board OT Discussion Thread

Posted by Texas Weazel on 5/16/24 at 10:46 pm
Anyone else just sitting in the dark with half of their trees tipped over and thousands of dollars worth of damage on their property??? :dope: :casty:...
[quote]"white Christian European" idea, I have the perfect candidate for you. Joe Biden[/quote] That's like saying "trans women are women". Just because you claim to be something doesn't make it true. Joe Biden isn't a Catholic. At best, he's a dirty protestant with anti-catholic beliefs....
Y'all need to stop making that con artist PDB famous. The guy is a total sham trying to buy fame and hitching his name on political movements....
[quote]Driving a car is a right. [/quote] It isn't. It's considered a "privilege" according to many....
[quote]Hamas would not exist today or wield any power and influence if it weren’t for the fact Netanyahu backed/supported them.[/quote] That's nonsense! Islam is a religion that organically radicalizes their followers. The religion keeps pumping out terrorists and anti-western jihadists. Their ...
[quote]If people are gonna call you a genocidal maniac might as well act like one[/quote] I'd have no problem with that. All I ask is for Israel to fund their own war. I'm tired of America being Israel's sugar daddy. Israelis have free universal healthcare while so many Americans can't even get ...

re: Netanyahu is a serious problem.

Posted by Texas Weazel on 5/9/24 at 11:59 pm
[quote]Are you an Israeli citizen? If not, why do you feel that your opinion on who they choose to lead their countries is relevant?[/quote] If we have to pay for their war and security, we may as well get to voice our opinion on those freeloading leeches....

re: WSJ: iPhone sales fall in China

Posted by Texas Weazel on 5/7/24 at 10:44 pm
I'm in the same boat as you. I've been a OnePlus user for a while now and I'm on currently on the 8T as well. It's a solid phone with good hardware. Samsung and Apple phones are either nerfed via software or they suffer from hardware degradation over time. My OnePlus seems to keep chugging along aft...
That's not surprising. For the longest of time, firefighter jackets and pants have been linked to cancer as well. Apparently the chemicals used to manufacture fire retardant material is carcinogenic....
It's time to abolish "Tenure" privileges. All that tenured professors have done is radicalize kids because they know they can't be fired. They've filled society with anti-american rhetoric, safe spaces, and transgenderism nonsense....
The more they try to throw him in jail, the more I want to vote for him. And I'm saying this as someone who has been extremely critical (and still am) of Donald Trump since the day he came down the escalators in 2015....
Is this an insurrection? It has to be, isn't it? ...
I also don't get it. The Jews have been kicked out of so many countries for a reason and Islam wants to destroy the western world with Sharia law. Why do I have to pick a side? Why do my tax dollars have to be spent there? I'm all for sticking it to Russia and China. They are our advisaries after a...
Oh that's cool! I didn't know we had a real life Ewok serving as a judge! This DEI shite is cool shite!...
Those bitches need to put their money where their mouth is. They need stop wearing such revealing clothes and wear Burkas immediately! And why are they in school? Those women belong at home as servants to their husbands! It is the Muslim way! It is the Hamas way! Get to it bitches! This is what ...
Protestants are just people who couldn't hack it at being Catholic. So they went out and made up their own rules to suit their selfish needs....
Yet every time they do, the left ends up calling us minorities "uncle toms" and "traitors" for even entertaining the GOP or conservative ideals . The DNC is just scared that too many minorities are waking up to their shite. Biden already lost the Hispanic vote, so they're trying to fling race back...