Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:12633
Registered on:8/26/2016
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[quote]But princess and the frog was very successful[/quote] Princess and the Frog is Disney’s lowest grossing princess movie ever. They viewed it as such a flop they decided to completely abandon hand drawn animation....
[quote]By your own ULM example, revenue tripled and the increase in scholarship expenses and coaching salaries both went up fairly proportionately at close to 3.5x each Facilities and maintenance went up about 7x but $142k seems awfully low to maintain a football stadium, basketball arena, baseball...
[quote]Wouldn't be mad if true, I want UNC.[/quote] Why? I’d rather have the closer schools with better fanbases. If we’re gonna have mega conferences, I wouldn’t mind UNC, but I’d much rather see a game at FSU or Clemson than at UNC. I like sports other than football, but everything else i...
For G5 context here’s ULM: 2004 Revenue: $6.6M Scholarship Expenses: $1.6M Facilities and Overhead: $142K Coaching/Staff: $2.1M 2022 Revenue: $19.1M Scholarship Expenses: $5.7M Facilities and Overhead: $1.1M Coaching/Staff: $6.9M So ULM is a program that obviously can’t afford to pa...
[quote]Only a handful of athletic departments turn a net profit as a whole, even in the SEC. So if the NCAA is allowing schools to pay $20M a year directly to players, that money can either come from new revenue sources or cuts to spending elsewhere.[/quote] This is because they aren’t designed t...
[quote]It's amazing that allowing antisemites to blatantly talk about how much they hate Jews while you put your banner of protection over them can actually start to affect your university monetarily.. Who knew?[/quote] They’ve done this whites for over a decade with no consequences, so they prob...
[quote]I bet Harvard has a lot of rich Jewish alumni.[/quote] It’s wild how powerful this group is. My whole college experience (at Alabama - not a university considered far left by general society) the baseline class rhetoric was extremely anti-white and anti-American with no consequences fo...
[quote]Her 18 year old friend and her have been friends since third grade. Her friends bf ( where they were going to crash) is 20, with his buddies close by. Not happening.[/quote] I wouldn’t have liked my parents with this line of thinking either. This board: “I fricked 100 chicks by the tim...
[quote]I personally think it’s counterproductive to continue treating sons & daughters as children when they’re living at home, but have already finished high school. In my experience - speaking mostly about friends of mine when I was a freshman in college - those kids often overcompensate as soon a...
I’m not a dad, but when I was 17, I probably would have been mad about you and your wife saying hell no to that. Has she given you a reason not to trust her in that situation? If so, then have a mature conversation about that with her being the reason you feel uncomfortable. If not, then it’s und...
If I took over tomorrow, I’d start on a Knights of the Old Republic movie series. White male Revan to appease your fans tired of the forced DEI push combined with a diverse supporting cast to avoid your leftist fans flipping out. The game cast was diverse, so it can look like you aren’t forcing t...
[quote]Its lame as hell but it’s such a no brainer revenue generator[/quote] In service of who though? Who benefits from the athletics program having higher revenue? It’s extremely rare this money gets back to the university. No one owns these programs. It’s one thing for an owner who bought a...
I’m watching the Kids broadcast on ESPN2. Are the commentators that sound like kids actually children? If so, they are pretty darn good....

re: F the OKC Thunder

Posted by TomRollTideRitter on 5/18/24 at 10:19 pm
[quote]I wasn't cheering for the Mavs to win but for the Thunder to lose.[/quote] I also hate the What a Pro Wants ad...
[quote]Playoffs in High School Football & Professional Football, but no we don’t want it in College[/quote] Brainlet take. College football is different. The talent disparity makes it unique in sports. Pro football is rigged to have parity, and since high school football has seen its talent dispa...
Same as every team during Pete Golding’s tenure, they couldn’t buy a stop during big games. Even in the 2020 season, the defense was liability. See Ole Miss and Florida....
[quote] I would rank spurier behind kirby and meyer. Sure he was innovative and won a title but if coming close is a feature richt and Fulmer should be higher[/quote] I don’t think it’s comparable. It was a lot harder to win a national title from the SEC in Spurrier’s time than in Kirby’s time....
[quote]The NBA is looking to double the $24 billion[/quote] [quote]Still, regular-season viewership plateaued this year among standard cable and broadcast networks. Across ABC, ESPN and TNT, the average televised audience of 1.56 million [/quote] This is over $30K per average viewer. I strug...