Favorite team:Arkansas 
Number of Posts:455
Registered on:7/31/2015
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that dude is not impressed with our pitchers lol...
margin of victory no longer matters from this point forward. just win baby....
holt with bases loaded. i take this every time its offered without question....
[quote]Well if hogs can’t take care of semo. We deserve to be bounced. Hogs disappoint again. New year same results [/quote] motherfricker, you drop to your knees faster than britanny spears...

re: LSU gets HOSED at Stanford

Posted by KootAR on 5/27/24 at 11:31 am
stanford coach is a piece of shite and they are a 2nd rate program...
[quote]We took a pitcher out that retired 8 of 9 batters faced and you think we’re taking it seriously either?[/quote] so yesterday, you were taking the game so seriously that you guys went full melt retard mode over a call the ump made, but today you arent even trying to win....
[quote]Not yet but it's still early. We have plenty of time for that. [/quote] lol. in all fairness, tony v probably is a piece of shite and would handle the situation accordingly....
I just tuned in. Have the umps done anything to make the LSU fans call the Vols coach a piece of shite or the school a 2nd rate program yet?...
Holy shite, LSU fans went full melt mode in here, lol. Calling the sc coach a piece of shite and 2nd rate program. That's a hard melt, lmao....
Not near as annoying as youtubetv rewinding about 4 hours every 5 minutes...
you seemed smarter when you were lurking...
The shot of the old dude about to beat his dog because it wouldn't get on the golf cart lol...
[quote]I’ll be the first to eat crow if they win a natty. Ever[/quote] It's been my experience on the internet that "I'll eat crow if" is always said right after saying some stupid shite....
[quote]Going 0-2 in Hoover is one thing, looking like a dog turd doing it is another. [/quote] Is it possible to look good going 0-2? I've never seen us do it....
That was a hell of a catch to rob the home run...
Pitching won't be why we lose. Hitting will be....