Favorite team:Arkansas 
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Registered on:12/21/2014
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[quote]Who had the worst batting team in the field of 64 putting up the most points so far??[/quote] I sure didn’t see this flip coming for sure. Hopefully the runs will keep coming and the pitching will settle down. Btw, you might want to change points to runs in your post or it will give s...
Folks must like this behavior because they sure seek it out....
[quote]Click back and forth on everyone’s team board? Doesn’t seem very practical[/quote] It’s not like you have to walk up a flight of stairs to click on it….haha ...
Damn, 17-9? Didn’t see that coming at all. A complete switch of personality in this game....
It’s odd the ones who supportedly hate this crap are the ones bringing attention to it and promoting it....
[quote]Won't never ride. The Patriots in this country need to go on the offensive.[/quote] You’ll put your eye out…..hahahaha ...
Team boards are a good place for that....
[quote]I have no idea what you’re talking about. Obviously[/quote] Apparently you don’t either…...
[quote]And Texas’ biggest game was Arkansas Clearly Texas and OU have upgraded and left the has-beens behind [/quote] Our biggest game was and is the texas games. But, like all other games mentioned, outside our fanbase no one gives a crap. I can’t speak for anyone else but I don’t circle other...
[quote]The Clinton Foundation was a money laundering operation, too. Bill would give a speech, get a bunch of money for it, and Hilldawg would award that guy paying Bill a big contract. Quid pro quo 101.[/quote] I’ve never heard of this either, why has this not been looked into if illegal and tru...
[quote]There should be 5-10 people under the jail from Russiagate -- one low-level attorney got a slap on the wrist. The Ukraine impeachment was also a setup to cover up the money laundering Biden and other politicians feed from (including Rs). The business operation corruption/kickbacks on Hunter's...
[quote]Jealousy is such a bad look. It was a beautiful evening on the French Rivera that night. The wind did tussle my hair at times due to the elevation of the cliffs we were on [/quote] Hey, weren’t you that waiter at the country club? Ha, couldn’t help it…...
A dude got convicted by a jury of breaking the law. This never happens every day? That’s why we have laws. Should they not apply to all of us?...
[quote]Y’all remember him saying lock her up! How the tables have turned! Lol[/quote] I see your point, but imo it would take something much more serious than this to put a former president behind bars. The rest of us would have been in jail for violating the gag order....
[quote]There’s a reason I gave Trump a grand today,[/quote] Um, wouldna told that dude….....
I hate to hear this about tygart, he was doing well early on. Maybe folks will cut him some slack since we now know he had an injury problem....
I always liked the looks of their trucks but heard too many negative stories about them. Same with jeep vehicles. It’s a shame....
[quote]They are afraid of Hendrix![/quote] Can you even schedule a dlll school? They are known for academics though, that’s where the smart kids go…haha. I definitely wouldn’t schedule them in a spelling bee…...

re: 3 months ‘till football…

Posted by Clark14 on 5/30/24 at 6:50 pm
Looking forward to tomorrow and the start of regionals. Good luck everyone…...
Eddie Sutton crawled to Kentucky.-he had to, he was too drunk to drive, bless his heart. Kentucky was mad we didn’t warn them. John McDonnell almost left.-huh?/ I call bullshite on that one Lou Holtz resigned.- Lou used his position to campaign for Jesse helms which ruffled feathers. Plus ...