Favorite team:LSU 
Location:St. George, LA
Number of Posts:30637
Registered on:11/25/2014
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Happy pride month Darth. Looking forward to your June compilations...
Insane this is even a possibility...

re: Baylor got new Football uniforms

Posted by Upperdecker on 5/29/24 at 11:18 am
[quote]Green and old gold is a good color combo. The Yellow looks bad.[/quote] Agreed. The yellow looks terrible. Knockoff packers uniforms now...
Huge win if they hold to it. They will set the precedent for other Ivy League schools, which will in turn set precedents for all schools. Maybe, just maybe, this forces the institutions to slow their roll of propaganda...
[quote]I wouldn’t have done any better. I would have asked wtf is a shawarma.[/quote] No shawarma in your local Bama trailer park huh?...
[img]https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/36/750x445/1206898.jpg[/img] Tom Cruise in War of the Worlds...
The aunt could get it, but there’s something wrong with her that I can’t quite place. Probably bad plastic...
[quote]But you know damn good and well the cost part of the equation will be fought over. When there’s an incentive to save or make money, morals gets pushed.[/quote] Absolutely. Suicide is wrong in all forms, as is killing. Any part of this is an abomination and an abuse of life, and skewing our m...
A lot of people are incapable of working from home effectively long term. They lack self motivation and time management. Unfortunately most employers will set their standards by the lowest common denominator, and not set different standards for different levels of employees. More people will stay in...
[quote]I’m guessing the white boy is Kenneth.[/quote] Kenneth Jackson? Nah Joshua Kingsley is the whitest name...
The message of most things Hollywood puts out is disgusting now. That’s an abomination...
:bow: the arse in clarse, back from a 3 year post break...

re: Grayson Murray passed away

Posted by Upperdecker on 5/26/24 at 2:07 pm
Family definitely blames the fiancé...
[quote]I eagerly await Africa's entry into the great Sci-Fi saga level film. [/quote] Wakanda forever...

re: LSU - Construction Management

Posted by Upperdecker on 5/26/24 at 1:42 pm
Most construction management graduates flunked out of engineering Most people that flunk out of construction management end up as pipe fitters Your cousin is getting great experience for his future job as a pipefitter...
Liked it. Thrawn can be a compelling villain...