Favorite team:Texas A&M 
Number of Posts:1897
Registered on:6/12/2014
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]sing a song entirely about a different school [/quote] Yeah, who would do that... [quote]Texas Fight, Texas Fight, And it’s goodbye to A&M. Texas Fight, Texas Fight, And we’ll put over one more win.[/quote]...
[quote] I don't think the Aggies are all that good. I think you'll realize this once the Hogs run rule you and no, I'm not scared of yall and won't freak out if we lose! Bye overrated Aggie![/quote] You have fun at recess today, buddy!...
[img]https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/ap143517767316.jpg?quality=85&w=1080[/img] My favorite picture on this topic. ...
Are we just going to keep running this story back every couple weeks? ...
[quote]but I don’t think I’ve ever paid attention to one of their mid week baseball games that didn’t involve Ole Miss.[/quote] Twitter makes such things easier to come across. ...
I'm pretty sure Texans would actually choose California. ...
[quote]#9 Texas A&M - Third scorer. Perhaps this is a typical problem for lower seeds. Buzz Williams always finds and develops tough as nails guards, so I think that bodes well for the tourney. They need somebody on the front court to step up and give defenses something else to worry about...[/quote...

re: On3 power ranks SEC head coaches

Posted by Realistic Ag on 3/18/24 at 11:30 am
[quote]I'm still not sure I understand what "power rankings" are supposed to mean. How is it different if you just remove the word "power"?[/quote] My interpretation is power rankings always take a more recent/current viewpoint. ...

re: SEC Tournament Predictions

Posted by Realistic Ag on 3/12/24 at 3:14 pm
[quote]1 and done for us.[/quote] I'll be pulling for y'all. ...
I'd say both share culpability. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIViuwPXoAAvwFS?format=jpg&name=small[/img]...
In a Weigman interview the other day, he mentioned his favorite part of the new offense is that they can "run 9 different plays, and they all look exactly the same" or something to that effect. ...
[quote]Yes they do. -- [b]I doubt it.[/b] They do. I'm sure of it. -- [b]You have no idea.[/b] He fancies himself as some type of private school elitist -- [b]Not at all. He's like Will Hunting...brilliant but willing to do the necessary blue collar work. [/b] He's almost never been to th...
The annual drag show that always gets brought up?...
[quote]Maybe a little. But the several UT fans I met last night didn't hesitate for a split second when asked who they hated most between aTm and OU. Seems it's OU by a million miles.[/quote] All of the ones I know were rooting for OU in the Cotton Bowl against us. ...
My initial thought is the Chargers. They usually seem to have the ingredients to be really good but it doesn't come to fruition. ...
[quote]The advance metrics factor in the kind of defenses he's facing and he still grades out very well.[/quote] They clearly don't believe in opponent-adjusted stats. ...

re: Elko Accomplishments as HC

Posted by Realistic Ag on 11/27/23 at 9:33 am
[quote]Could of - Would of - Should of[/quote] Could've - Would've - Should've...
[quote]Aggies thinking this is a grand slam hire is funny as shite[/quote] If this is out there, this is a very fringe opinion. ...