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Favorite team:Auburn 
Number of Posts:18484
Registered on:10/7/2013
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[quote]ShinerHorns[/quote] We won the SEC tournament in basketball, you fricking nitwit. Golf national champs too. We have a few years of shite football because of a bad hire and suddenly we’re a doormat of the SEC. Jesus this board is full of retards. ...
What was the argument? You established your boundaries of avoiding a social event. Seems like there wasn’t even a problem? [quote]She hasn’t spoken to me in about 30 minutes and seems to be sulking and brooding [/quote] Sounds like a [i]she[/i] problem. ...
[quote]What do you think would happen to conservatives if they acted out on their anger? Jan. 6 is a small clue[/quote] Well sit back and whine about it. That’s how all societal and cultural revolutions occur, right? ...
[quote]No riots. No buildings set on fire. No roads blocked. No fellow citizens assaulted…. It’s laughable that the Left is allowed to categorize our side as the rebellious and violent group when almost all of the violence originates with them.[/quote] This isn’t really a flex. The Left understan...
[quote]Any updates?[/quote] I just typed out what all has been going on, but it was six paragraphs and I was probably halfway finished. Here’s the cliffs: - he showed up later that week on Friday. Acted like a pompous arse and took my FIL to lunch and around town that afternoon. He refused t...
You should edit the OP with each update along with a new comment. That way there’s an easy list of progression for people to see. ...
How do they measure the 25 feet? Is it an approximation of the officers? “Suspect moved within my perceived buffer range of 25 feet leading to their arrest.” ...
[quote]My ex and I broke up about 3 months ago. We have stayed friends, for the most part, and still text from time to time (haven't seen each other since the breakup).[/quote] [quote]We have stayed friends, [/quote] No you haven’t. You’re hanging around with the idea that you might still get...
[quote]17 year old daughter[/quote] [quote]she graduated HS last weekend and thinks she can run the roads[/quote] Should have held her back, baw. ...
[quote]Latinas and blondes in Texas[/quote] Will knife you in your sleep or see demons on airplanes. ...
[quote]Man are not scared of women. This generation is simply tired of their bullshite.[/quote] Right but wrong. [i]Men[/i] are not scared of women, but most guys in the dating game aren’t really men. They think and worry as much as Titty Tiffany in the video. ...
[quote]After about 20 minutes, Hair called a fellow officer asking if he had a master key to open the back door of his police cruiser because he had locked himself in[/quote] I’m probably spending at least 19 minutes trying to figure out a way to get out before calling colleagues to let me out. ...
My neighbor is a nurse, and she just pops them with ibuprofen and tells them to tough it out. It’s most likely viral. ...
I stupidly put a box of orange chicken from Costco in the fridge. It sat in there overnight. Box says to keep frozen. Can I throw it in the freezer to re-freeze? I don’t mind if the texture or quality goes down. Just don’t want it to make us sick. ...
[quote]Went from 195 to 210 in span of 6 months[/quote] How tall are you? ...
[quote]How many times is this going to get posted as a new post?[/quote] It’s of the rare quality that it can be posted multiple times. Every user should get to see it. ...
[quote]They wrote the development around Ripley’s maternal instincts. The development of the relationship between them felt natural, real and believable. Ripley’s struggles felt real and not forced.[/quote] Exactly. It was a celebration of femininity and the power within mothers to self-sacrific...
Transphobic Sex worker Robs pregnant women Drug addict Thief and a fraud (fake money to take from businesses) Patron Saint of America...
[quote]Umm.... I've searched the internet.... and failed to find any outrage over this. Just one or two doofuses that think it's wrong. Am I looking in the wrong place?[/quote] You gotta be on the Ticky Toks to see the Karens. Edit with examples: [quote]@Alina Webb: And now all I see is ...