Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Member since Dec 2011
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Registered on:3/7/2013
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A joke over low hanging fruit. I knew what you meant :cheers:...
[img]https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-560w,f_auto,q_auto:best/rockcms/2024-06/mob-dress-4-te-240610-8b26aa.jpg[/img] That white dress is incredible. Sorry the mom has bigger bongos but her hibachi dress isn't the reason the daughter was upstaged ...
[quote]Look at the demographic that enjoys and plays baseball[/quote] Dominicans?...
Trussville is fine, but limited options. As others suggested, 459 is a better bet- Ross Bridge is probably the nicest along that route but there's plenty near the Summit (US-280) which would also be fine. ...
I'm aware of the moving aisle armrest but I rarely use it because it's rare I ever need to. I just wish the window armrest would do the same...
The Inn at Biltmore about 20 years ago stands out to me as being the nicest. No idea what it's like now, but even as a kid I knew it was the best place I've stayed. ETA: The best bed I've had at a hotel was the one at the MGM Grand in Detroit about a year after it opened. Everything in that p...
[quote]Front hole [/quote] That's not even what a cervix is...
I'm not giving up my window seat for a middle. They should've paid for Main if it mattered that much to them...
It's aged well, for sure...
I once didn't get a job because the interviewer "felt like I take things too seriously". That guy ended up getting laid off because his entire department did nothing all day. CSB, I know...
[quote]It's still a huge brand, just damaged by Disney. The force awakens is the biggest film ever, domestically. Star Wars still resonates today. [/quote] Mostly because parents got their kids into it, which was really my point about why they should reinforce the original series and improve it ...
Star Wars is a product of its time- it was a technical marvel in the midst of the Space Race and little more than that, but god forbid we talk bad about 80s media. That being said, as someone who wasn't alive during that time and who doesn't hold any particular nostalgia towards SW, they should...
The elusive quality response thread...

re: My Star Wars Prediction

Posted by Bama Bird on 6/7/24 at 7:09 pm
[quote]At this point it’s pretty obvious Disney is bombing this IP on purpose. Kathleen Kennedy still being in charge and the WokeLyte show prove that. [/quote] These people are convinced they're putting out great content and everyone they report to is afraid to tell them they're not. They live...
[quote]I like Si-Fi, Suspense, Mystery, Fantasy, etc...can someone recommend anything like what is listed above? [/quote] Fringe (Max) Sherlock (Hulu) House (Amazon) Monk (Netflix) Evil (Netflix) Coben series (The Stranger is my favorite) (Netflix) I assume you've probably seen most of t...
[quote]few things more annoying than your alma mater hitting you up for more money, long after youre gone [/quote] And the emails start about 2 weeks after graduation :lol: UA did send address labels once which was nice...

re: Eric (new miniseries on Netflix)

Posted by Bama Bird on 6/6/24 at 6:19 pm
[quote]Cumberbatch does an EXCELLENT job making the viewer have a hard time feeling empathic toward a man that has lost his child and whose wife was having an affair.[/quote] I honestly can't think of a better actor at the moment. I always doubt his capability to take on a particular role, but h...
[quote]Pakistan cricket laughs at this [/quote] This made me realize that the Canadian NHL teams are missing from the list: Habs and Leafs most significantly. Talk about a people who live and die for a sport they suck at... Habs haven't won Stanley Cup in 30 years; Leafs in 57....
[quote]#5: “Lawrence of Arabia” (1962)[/quote] I could put this on at virtually any scene and be absolutely captivated by it. I don't understand how someone finds this unwatchable ...

re: Coleman not going anywhere

Posted by Bama Bird on 6/6/24 at 4:01 pm
I can't imagine the needed renovation (aka a complete gutting) would be cheaper than just building a new one, even if it's in the same spot. We're pretty limited as far as what can be done given Coleman's shape but I do like what Virginia Tech has planned [img]https://reach.hokiesports.com/c...