Favorite team:Los Angeles Dodgers 
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Registered on:10/7/2012
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He does pitch though. Judge doesn't. We have found something Judge can't do :dunno:...
[quote]What does he NOT do[/quote]pitch ...
[quote]You’re the one doing the warmongering[/quote][quote]]I demand it be you and your children and/or grandchildren go out and die in those Ukrainian fields[/quote]...
[quote]Well I don’t wish it on anyon[/quote]sounds like you were wishing it on someone here[quote]I demand it be you and your children and/or grandchildren go out and die in those Ukrainian fields.[/quote]...
[quote]No, I’m just wanting Darwinian logic to apply if we get into an insane scenario caused by these same people[/quote]seems like if you were actually as anti war as you say, youd be wishing it on no one regardless of circumstance...
[quote]If we have no other choice, then it better be people like CitzenK, Adam Kinzinger, and Lindsey Graham on the front lines[/quote]you are sounding pretty pro war here...
[quote]I demand it be you and your children and/or grandchildren go out and die in those Ukrainian fields. You have no sympathy whatsoever for the Ukrainians and Russians dying in this, so I will have no sympathy for you either.[/quote]you sound pretty pro war here...
[quote]Maybe because China is currently directly threatening Taiwan.[/quote]you dont sound too anti war here...
[quote]and I’m very concerned that it could escalate into World War III.[/quote]why do you keep wishcasting a war between the US and China ...
[quote]Do not say Shohei, because if he is not pitching, then he’s just a good hitter.[/quote]but what about when he is pitching ...
[quote]I’m fine actually. I just hate war[/quote]then why do you wish cast a war between the US and China on a regular basis?...
Can you even make that insult when you included soccer in your awesome sports day?...
Has to at least have 100 RBIs?...
He didn't. Just more overwhelming proof that the straight white Christian conservative male is the most persecuted person in America ...
[quote]Let’s face it. Transferring wealth to Ukrainians is way more important that shite issues like the homes of tax paying Americans.[/quote]so we should be sending that money to insurance companies?...
Let me guess, anyone who hits under 280 can't win MVP...
[quote]Champions league final[/quote]no one knows what this is...