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Location:Big Momma's House
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Registered on:10/28/2010
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The scary part are the people who aren't concerned in the least about the absolute unprecedented nature of the legal theory used for this case. They are full steam ahead on throwing the "witches" into the fire. A great example of the mindset that brings about despotic hysteria in unstable societies....
He must be punished for heresy against the progressive secular orthodoxy. ...

re: NCAA to end transfer rule

Posted by tiggerthetooth on 5/30/24 at 7:45 pm
It's up to the fans/public/alumni to shut it down. As long as you watch there won't be any penalties. ...
This totally happened. It's funny how every important political opponent to democrats is super racist and molests/rapes women. Anyone find this a funny coincidence?...
Because it's become a political football. Democrats want to keep it in their back pocket to leverage it for political gain and they'd never allow the Republicans to join them and take it off the table as an issue completely. ...
[quote]At this point the MSB and M/TV board need political subsections. Make it happen chicken, imjustafatkid could rail on Disney all day every day there.[/quote] Disney's progressivs activist leaders turn Disney into a vehicle for their activism and you're upset people have noticed. Who mad...
[quote]Think about this quote that she acknowledges. Now think about how she has attempted to circumvent this known and long established fact by trying to make Star Wars something it is not. How do so many people fail at logic? Let's take the entire reason for Star Wars being so popular and alienate...
[quote]Why? It's already written for them.[/quote] No, it's not written feminist-centric enough for the elite idiots who are trying to make it illegal to depict women as anything other than anti-male, anti-family and anti-feminine....
[quote]This is on top of all the previous problems which include it reported the script featured Blade as a second rate character in his own movie that focuses on female characters.[/quote] Of course it does. Was a movie about a Black male superhero that kills vampires going to be interesting to ...
[quote]I understand wanting to capture the female audience since in the majority of households women make more purchasing decisions but to complete flip off the already established fanbase should be a case study in how not to handle an IP.[/quote] Women have never been consumers of sci-fi. Hollyw...
[quote]That’s 2X the amount spent on Kenobi, featuring two of the most famous characters in history LOL[/quote] And still did everything in their power to make that show about the black female "antagonist" and the little girl Leia so KM can keep her "the force is female" theme going. Wom...
[quote]I don't particularly give a frick. They waste their money and don't get full off their allowance, that's on them.[/quote] And do they not eventually use taxpayer funded Healthcare services? Do they not vote to get MORE funding to their cause? Why do you apply no conditions to receiving...
[quote]This has frick all to do with not wanting to give the government even more of my money.[/quote] It's either you or the ones who consume. Are you okay with people on food stamps being allowed to purchase copious amounts of soda and little Debbie's?...
[quote]you'll be taxing most of the grocery store if this is your standard.[/quote] Good. Think about the relief on the healthcare system and think about the benefits of people being thinner and healthier to the social scene. [quote]You're advocating for taxing most foods on our shelves thes...
[quote]Who decides what is healthy and what is not? The same folks who waffle back and forth over whether eggs are healthy or not? where does it end? when the only thing not considers unhealthy is grass?[/quote] You're not wrong but there are a lot of obvious things that we can agree on to be ...
[quote]So your answer is to pay even more taxes?[/quote] No, make those who VOLUNTARILY choose to eat and sell the shite pay taxes. If you want to choose to eat shite food then you should pay the cost. Our food has become so garbage that it's become a net negative. You completely cancel out ...
[quote]I don't care what you shove down your pie hole. This is America![/quote] Then you really must enjoy paying taxes to the shitty Healthcare system in this country. IT EFFECTS YOU whether you like it or not....
[quote]There are eight counties that implemented a sugar tax on soda several years ago and its shown to have worked in lowered consumption. [/quote] Food stamps should prohibit even moderate sugar consumption. You're adding future healthcare costs to the taxpayers every time you allow someone ...