Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:Tiger fan for life good AND bad
Interests:sports and outdoors
Number of Posts:17955
Registered on:2/8/2005
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]no brands[/quote] No chance. The big brands would not stand for it. ...
TO me it was inconsistent. Jump got a guy looking at a curveball low and away I cant remember what inning. The very next pitch to another batter he throws the same pitch to the exact same location and does not get the call. ...
could be cool I guess. 300 struck a chord with people at the time because the visuals were very unique, the story was just a bunch of dudes being savage badasses and the acting was top tier. Butler, Fassbender, Dom West, Lena Headey. If they make a good story out of it I will watch but if they ju...
You mean corporate food supplier well fare? Its tax payer funded subsidies to all the mega food brands via mega food suppliers All in the name of "food insecurities" Im going to stop now so I don't go down the rabbit hole on a Friday afternoon....
[quote]Cause the US government is enforcing insane fuel efficiency standards[/quote] I was thinking about that right after I hit submit. ...
Let me ask a question of you truck bros. Why do truck companies keep abandoning dependable, reliable, proven engines and going with new unproven motors that by the time they work out all the problems and bullshite, they have damaged their own brand. The number 1 factor that I hear most guys tal...
The Egg bowl is hardly ever relevant in the national picture but in terms of what is means to the state, the schools, and pure entertainment value it is in my top3. ...
I canceled my Disney Hulu ESPN+ package. The value just isn’t there and the interface on ESPN and Hulu are Terrible. I can find the shite I want to watch because of the “recommended” stuff which is really just them pumping whatever show they just released. ...
Trump is fixing to poll through the roof ...
Other than the initial gotcha moment that the Dems could get out of this, I still think a guilty verdict is a disaster for liberals....
Very surprised by Nashville -687k Not surprised by Baton Rouge at the bottom. If you are limited to public school education for your kids, Baton Rouge is not an option at all....
Can wait for someone to tear an ACL on top of a Dudley Debosier logo. ...
Yes and honestly looking back I am glad that we were not close to "home" when we had infants. Keeping relatives at arms reach helped us work out our own problems including relationship issues without having the fallback of running to mommy and daddy all the time. It also helped us set limits for cer...
Pull that fricking trigger jury. God please do it. ...
I will talk shite about USC when we win a season opener for the first time since 2019....
[quote]hey just want to be able to say Trump was convicted and don't care how they get there. [/quote] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/l41YmgdpcJwUngcXm/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9520s2ih3a2bxyi8a8uzsqg6yllewwp942mtnftfxr5&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
The lone gunman theory to cover up government operations has been used for centuries. ...
Here Dennis. Put this fricking Coat on buddy ...