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Downvoted for principle. You posted a link to a bunch of cu nts. ...
What does “dangerous” mean? What does he mean by that? There’s no follow up to it? Why is it dangerous? ...

re: to those on the left rejoicing

Posted by Prominentwon on 5/31/24 at 12:54 pm
Every one of these people have nothing but a social agenda against Trump. They take a side on social media and they’ve planted themselves in it. Every one of these people are completely dishonest with themselves and with others when they claim they don’t see the blatant witch hunt that happen...
[link=(https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-supporters-call-riots-violent-retribution-after-verdict-2024-05-31/)]Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict[/link] ….yet, in the story, [quote]his supporters responded with [b]dozens[/b] of violent online post[/quote...
[u]You haven’t seen anything like what is about to happen. Buckle up![/u] Like what? I’m about tired of seeing hyperbole from both side like this. What does this mean? What do you thinks going to happen? Why? How? What am I buckling up for?...
[quote]Why would anyone donate $ to a politician much less a billionaire?! Much less someone you really don’t know what so ever whether you are for that person or not? Weird times.[/quote] I don’t normally follow politics. I think it’s mostly a sham because none of them honestly care about you a...
I really don’t give a frick. This entire situation far outweighs two single individual’s opinions. ...

re: James Simon commits to TX

Posted by Prominentwon on 5/29/24 at 7:31 pm
Question for anyone melting…. Is this a class killer and now that Simon won’t be on LSUs roster, are they out of National Championship contention? ETA: I didn’t read the thread. I just assumed that like always, there are “those guys.”...
[quote]It'll probably end up helping him in the election.[/quote] I don’t follow this case or high profile political cases. Ever. I don’t have time to sit and watch things like this. It’s a waste of my time. With that said, for someone that is completely out of the loop and hasn’t watched a...
:lol: @ MFers thinking the championship game in the SEC tournament “isnt as important.” GTFOH...
What are you, stupid or something?...

re: Shorthorns vs. Gaggies drama

Posted by Prominentwon on 5/24/24 at 7:47 pm
[quote]hate these two institutions as much as a coonass should, but if you’re over the age of 15, you should feel bad[/quote] I was actually going to post something similar. What an awful attempt at trying to be funny. ...

re: Old school NBA >>>>>todays NBA

Posted by Prominentwon on 5/24/24 at 3:05 pm
[quote]Lebron is by far the most equipped dude in all of the 2000s to handle physical play.[/quote] You’re right. Looking at him PHYSICALLY, yes, he is built for that type of style. But there’s a difference between being physically tough and MENTALLY tough. And LeBron is no where close to b...

re: Old school NBA >>>>>todays NBA

Posted by Prominentwon on 5/24/24 at 3:04 pm
I loved the Pistons because of the local connection with Joe Dumars. But goddamn, Laimbeer was a dirty MFer :lol: ...
“Klay” :lol: [embed]https://x.com/thedunkcentral/status/1793362187110526978?s=46&t=71fVEhowW1jn0i6DczQMtg[/embed]...
All the while our infrastructure is crumbling and we’re sending billions to Ukraine just to be washed so that US politicians can pocket it on the way back. ...
“iMaGiNE iF miNNeSotA aND InDIanA wErE tHE two TeAmS in tHe FinALs AnD hOw baD the RATiNgs wOuLD bE”...
How in gods name do you include ERNEST with MallRats and PCU? :casty: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/BvyKBZsK/IMG-8144.gif[/img]...
[quote]And the ratings would be the worst ever…[/quote] The people that bring this up and think this is remotely relevant as if the NBA is going to fold because a big market isn’t in the Finals is beyond my comprehension. Who cares?...