Favorite team:Chicago Cubs 
Number of Posts:4818
Registered on:6/24/2009
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Second. The 2 innings he pitched last week in Hoover he took the loss in that game ...
Nothing you could do there...
It was weird, they kept saying it was down but he consistently Hit 95-96 in the first inning. I saw it with my own eyes on the broadcast. ...
Man I love college baseball. Carolina rips out the heart of lsu fans and long island all in one pitch...
Oh man. State almost walked it off but had it robbed...
Nicholls! 3 run bomb to take a 12-11 lead in the top of the 9th over UC Irvine after being down 9-1. ...
I didn't want to hear anything about the bats. They've done well after going to college station. Last 3 games 5 runs on 9 hits 6 runs on 9 hits 17 runs on 16 hits 5 runs should be enough to win most games. 9 hits should be enough. ...
So who had McLaughlin with 6 RBI and wilmsmeyer reaching base 5 times. ...
That's exactly why he's still in there. Stretch him out and start him next Friday if they make it that far...
What I don't think the crew down at Ut is prepared for is the pure unadulterated hatred that they're going to get from every fan of every team in the conference. Absolutely NOBODY is going to support them. ...
Exactly. Survive and advance. ...
Yup just didn't come through that time...
Diggs goes oppo taco! ,10-8 hogs lead...