Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Amarillo, TX
Number of Posts:412
Registered on:8/29/2023
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Maybe about UVA, but having grown up near there, worked there years ago, it’s a TERRIBLE fit for the SEC culturally. Moreover, you’d be amazed how much they look down their collective noses at the South. ...
I’m certain that WILL come to pass. Personally, I think it looks tacky as hell but I won’t be surprised to see Cheetos (or some other logo) on Bama jerseys for $10 million or some absurd amount. Think about it, the University has for years now looked for any way humanly possible to squeeze the or...
The people moving South are primarily from New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Michigan, and California. Illegals are everywhere, not just in the South. They’re pouring into VA, NC, SC, GA, TN and FL. ...
Heard him on Paul Finebaum mention this. I know he’s usually pretty well informed, so maybe FSU/Clemson have indeed figured out a way out of the grant of rights? Then, at the SEC meetings in Destin, Florida’s AD seemed open the idea. Kind of makes you go, “Hmmmm”....
That last contract was maybe the most idiotic contract in the history of endorsements. I’m certain that UA is now in negotiations with Nike since the contract is up in 2025. Greg Byrne is 1000X more competent than Bill Battle is/was, so I expect a much, much lucrative contract this time. Personal...
I hate like hell to see Bama miss out on big time in state players unless they have a terrible attitude like George Pickens from several years ago. Hopefully, Bama can flip this kid....
One thing I noticed in that South Florida game that to me speaks volumes, I noticed a couple of times when Simpson was sacked, none of the O line helped him up. I know that’s kind of minor and Simpson is a big boy who can pick himself up BUT traditionally, you help your QB up. There was an aston...
The whole scholarship thing at Bama drives me crazy. I get it that the lottery thing hurts but the idea that UA can’t waive out of state tuition is BS. Other schools do it. My guess is the athletic department has “always done it that way” and possibly fathom that maybe times have changed and the...
I was looking at www.nil-ncaa and apparently, Bama is currently 5th in the SEC, behind Texas, LSU, Georgia and A&M. Supposedly, Tennessee is determined to be #1 and is frantically trying to come up with $25 million....
I can’t remember where I read it but I seem to recall Simpson has been working one on one with a coach to improve his skillset. Frankly, I don’t care who he works with as long as it works for him and he improves a bit....
He had a TERRIBLE attitude. Skipped meetings, didn’t want to listen to the coaches-thought he could “free style” it out on the field (with disastrous results), refused to study film, mouthed off to the coaches and felt rules didn’t apply to him. Off the charts arrogance. He wouldn’t have lasted 5...
I saw where Cormani signed with Florida. Tells me just how desperate Billy Napier is right now to sign that total head case/cancer in the locker room....
Having worked in Charlottesville and lived nearby years ago, I can say Charlottesville or as I prefer to call it, “The People’s Republic of Charlottesville” is eerily similar to Berkeley with a very woke/weird atmosphere and off the charts arrogance. People who are even remotely affiliated with the...
I’m wondering if Hall can ever get his crap together....
I believe he can play tackle but has played guard/center primarily....
I’m sure he’s really good but how many LBs can Bama sign in this class?...
I seem to recall he was a Bama commit before with St. Nick, so I suspect he still is a take....
Man, I’d hate see Grady NOT go to Bama. I know Bama can’t get ‘em all but I hate like hell to see Bama whiff on big time in state recruits....
If it’s being diverted, they need to divert the hell of it to NIL, because it sounds like Bama NIL is struggling bad....