Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:Boot born, Boot raised, Boot proud (kind of)
Interests:Soy Milk, Futures Market, MILFs, Tigerdroppings, Revolvers, Lou Reed,
Occupation:Concentrated Frozen OJ Commodities Broker
Number of Posts:4817
Registered on:6/10/2021
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

Louisiana has 8 electoral votes going red. You're welcome America....
[quote] He would dig through the trash in the cafeteria looking for leftover food he could shove into his pockets and take home to his 3 year old sister. [/quote] I've been hearing this recycled type of story for decades. Please tell me you know the "little bro digging in the trash to feed his ba...
From the young man in the 22nd row....
[quote]Drag those three kids through that welfare line and hold your head proud[/quote] Here's the thing, the kids don't even have to be present in said Chow Line. I shite myself when I saw this on the news. All the loser parents have to do is write on a sticky note how many kids they have at hom...

Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by Tomatocantender on 5/31/24 at 4:24 pm
All week, this is the lead story on every local news station in EBR, WBR etc. Saying kids don't have access to quality food because school is out for the summer. WTF? WBRZ cleverly showed a 30-something white man driving up in a $40k Jeep getting free food for his kids to make it appear everyone is ...
Just look at the jurisdiction/location. Like Trump said, Mother Teresa wasn't beating that Kangaroo pressure cooker of bullshite from the jury pool to the judge to the venue. ...

re: What was the crime

Posted by Tomatocantender on 5/30/24 at 6:01 pm
The crime was beating Hillary in 2016. Show me the man and I'll show you the crime. Banana Republic. We ain't putting this genie back in the bottle as a country, we are fubarred. ...
[quote]Is this a trade or are you buying on principle?[/quote] Both bitch...
[quote]Don't worry...Jim Jordan is already making mad tweets about it and will get started writing a strongly worded-letter any minute now.[/quote] Will the letter go out before or after he plays grab arse with Maria Bartiromo tomorrow morning talking all tough and rolling up his sleeves at 7am lo...
Is this like the poli version of Tell the Truth Mondays with Coach O? ...
Buying opportunity back to the 70's? I like it and bought 100 shares based on principle alone with what just happened in NY....
Imo DJT stock shoots up tomorrow. Down $4 after-hours. Buying 100 shares in my Etrade account now as a matter of principle. The least I can do I guess in reaction to the bullshite. Eta: Just bought 100 shares at $47.90. I don't care if this goes to $0 or $100, just wanted to do something. ...
Sadly, the only line in the sand would be a 1929 Depression crash where people are starving. Anything short of that, I don't see any major trigger to get a consensus of Americans off their asses. ...
Dow will open down 1000 pts. Good job New York and your spineless bitch governor who could have removed Alvin from bringing this Kangaroo case. ...
These were the weirdest Dateline episodes I've ever watched. So crazy that Dateline did an immediate follow up 2nd episode which is rare. That entire family was FUBAR. Lori's niece moved in next door in Idaho and the FBI wired the niece's husband because the niece was aiding and abetting. But the hu...
Fascinating behavior. [img]https://toonclips.com/600/cartoon-lady-jane-goodall-standing-and-wearing-binoculars-around-her-neck-by-toonaday-57173.jpg[/img]...
If you would have asked this question in March 2020, I would have thought you were a little slow but would have politely explained the Level 4 Bio lab in Wuhan and why bats/pangolins/wet markets were a cover. But you asking this question in May 2024??? I'm honestly questioning if your IQ is above 75...

re: TBF Over 10 Years Now

Posted by Tomatocantender on 5/28/24 at 7:48 pm
[quote]Dbf made me coin from the Tesla posts years back and he’s in the crypto thread as the second post talking ethereum at $50 what a legend[/quote] The story within the story is our resident know-it-all Slackster thought he had me by the balls asking me to post the fact that I recommended a st...
[quote]Truly, there are nudes on reddit[/quote] tomatocantender1982@yahoo.com Thanks in advance....

re: TBF Over 10 Years Now

Posted by Tomatocantender on 5/28/24 at 7:35 pm
[quote]Where is it?[/quote] [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/money/anyone-following-root-after-hours/108797476/)]Root[/link]...