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[quote]There needs to be a culling of the current system.[/quote] That needs to start at the top as well as the minions at the bottom....
Biden is deteriorating rapidly now. I doubt the dementia patient will make it to the election....

re: Oh No! It just keeps happening

Posted by Auburn1968 on 6/14/24 at 9:06 am
[quote]I wish they'd investigate people who are destroying and defacing. other property[/quote] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fa57.foxnews.com%2Fstatic.foxnews.com%2Ffoxnews.com%2Fcontent%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F05%2F1920%2F1080%2FMinneapolis-businesses-destroyed14.jp...
That would be one strike at one of the roots of Biden inflation....
[quote]Small caps/growth/pre-revenue, etc. are all just completely left for dead during the Biden admin.[/quote] The big grants and support for domestic lithium is like the 7 billion to finance thousands of EV chargers that has installed 8 in 2 years. Government efficiency!...
[quote]Apparently, Crimea is too vulnerable and expensive to maintain having to ship things around to the Kerch bridge, which is why Putin has always wanted "a land bridge" directly down to it through the Donbas... I would think shipping things down the Sea of Azov would be cheap, so maybe that's ju...
[quote]And Ukraine and Europe/NATO will never trust Putin to honor his agreement and not just just attack again..[/quote] At that stage he will have a gun to his head or a chance to save face. Putin can't be trusted as long as he thinks he has the upper hand. ...

re: Fail Gifs. Let's post them.

Posted by Auburn1968 on 6/13/24 at 4:14 pm
My guess is: I think Trump will use a carrot and a big stick to deal with Putin and his gang. The carrot might be something like an independent Crimea allowing Russia to keep its naval base as a lease if they withdraw from the rest of Ukraine. The big stick won't be Biden's trickle, trickle of...
David Petraeus got 2 years probation and a $100k fine for showing his lover/biographer classified documents....
[quote]There's a more recent Joe photo same orientation as the last one above, but above his left eye, his forehead has a complex of wrinkles that might be very distinctive for identification . Except how do you go from corduroy looking wrinkles to totally smooth or vice versa?[/quote] Aging acto...
I suggest that the UN be moved to either the Ivory Coast for its goat restaurants or the Antarctic....
That should be really good for recruiting too! What a moron. ...
They never should have risked anyone taking the "vaccine" other than those at the highest risk of covid death. The great majority of that would be very old and frail people. Normally healthy children were at zero risk from covid as were most people below the age of 65. ...
The bureaucrats of EU are going to destroy the EU one way or another. Better that it split up than letting them turn it into a 3rd world shithole. ...
If that's true and it gets out Gates will lose all of his money and his freedom too. Gain-of-function should be criminal with very few exceptions....
The Amish elementary schools are taught by junior high and high school girls. Their kids perform among the top in the state of PA....
Yeah, the wet market BS a few hundred yards from Wuhan Lab was absurd especially since Wuhan Lab had proudly proclaimed that they had discovered a new and dangerous coronavirus in caves a few hundred KM away. Then too early on the cruise ship Diamond Princess was quarantined for weeks with only a...
[quote] Don't be ridiculous. The people leaving are conservatives. The military is more and more being staffed by lefties and foreigners. If the time comes it will oppose us.[/quote] That's how Obama wanted it. The military filled with conservatives would prevent a General Chavez like event from...