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Registered on:2/10/2014
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[quote]one low-level attorney got a slap on the wrist.[/quote] ...and who controls the high level ones? ...who controls the judicial system? ....who controls mockingbird to keep the truth away from the masses? ...

re: Supreme Court

Posted by ladyluckUGA on 5/30/24 at 4:40 pm
[quote]I heard on Fox that they have to exhaust everything lower first[/quote] that's incorrect. the SC cannot bypass the lower federal courts; however, they will if the appeal comes from a defendant in a State Court. these particular indictments came from NY. He simply will claim violation of...
[quote]Hope republicans can keep their dicks in their pants and don't riot. That would be red meat for democratic pundits.[/quote] it won't be actual conservatives. it'll be the alphabet agencies posing to be Republicans in riots so the mockingbird press corps can let their NPC viewers believe i...
[quote]e disagrees with is rigged, corrupt, or fake news[/quote] simply because everything he's fighting against is in fact, "rigged", "corrupt", and "fake". but that's a "disagreement' in your mind. :rotflmao: the delusions of the Left. such sad little people, you are. ...
[quote]This is absolutely unbelievable that we’ve gotten to this point in America Absolutely unfrickin believable[/quote] this is why men shouldn't have given women the right to vote. ...
YES!!! He deserves it. And I like the idea of a man sucking on my titties, tbh. ...
Thanks guys… we had a great time! My boy is crazy happy! (He’s a lefty pitcher and wants to play for UGA so bad lol)...
I’m coming from Augusta but don’t know how to keep up with game if it’s still on. ...
And now Prince Harry’s name was redacted and is also part of lawsuit so it’s gone international. ...
[quote]What does Homeland Security have to do with this[/quote] Diddy was hosting sex trafficking parties with underage partygoers. He’s literally the new Jeffrey Epstein. ...

re: Sad Day in Athens

Posted by ladyluckUGA on 2/27/24 at 10:37 am
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety...

re: Sad Day in Athens

Posted by ladyluckUGA on 2/27/24 at 5:39 am
[quote]did not legally move here so I feel like it’s important to stress that generalize all illegal immigrants is a little ridiculous.[/quote] They gotta go back and do immigration the LEGAL way. ...

re: Sad Day in Athens

Posted by ladyluckUGA on 2/27/24 at 5:33 am
[quote]So you just go find random people on the street, ask if they’re legal or not, and then shoot them? [/quote] No, no no no no!! We take out the real. Riminals. We start with the one leading the demise of our country, the one who is allowing this and work our way down. We start with Moochel...

re: Sad Day in Athens

Posted by ladyluckUGA on 2/27/24 at 5:31 am
Nah, we’ll continue to let the FBI do that. ...

re: Sad Day in Athens

Posted by ladyluckUGA on 2/26/24 at 8:55 pm
Uh…. Start shooting people! I thought my post was pretty clear. ...

re: Sad Day in Athens

Posted by ladyluckUGA on 2/25/24 at 4:31 pm
You just linked the LA Times lol and your reaction to my post, speaks volumes. Do you want me to link the memo? Here ya go… [link=(https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/memorandum-deferred-enforced-departure-certain-venezuelans/)]“Your boy” wasn’t considered “certain” This...

re: Sad Day in Athens

Posted by ladyluckUGA on 2/25/24 at 4:08 pm
First of all, it wasn’t an EO, it was a Memorandum he issued, allowing “certain” Venezuelans from deportation as of January 2021 because the President of Venezuela at the time, was depriving his people of food and shelter and Trump was supporting his opponent. It was a deferral of 18 months. Your b...

re: Sad Day in Athens

Posted by ladyluckUGA on 2/24/24 at 9:31 am
This has to be asked… at what point does it take for men to rise up and protect their women and children? We are being invaded. And the very entity that’s supposed to protect us from foreign invaders is not. We have 2A it’s time to use it. ...

re: Sad Day in Athens

Posted by ladyluckUGA on 2/24/24 at 6:49 am
[link=(https://twitter.com/AliBradleyTV/status/1761218921624211829)]Arrested 5 months ago for injury to a child in NY. Set free. [/link]...

re: Sad Day in Athens

Posted by ladyluckUGA on 2/24/24 at 6:37 am
[link=(https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13120249/Laken-Riley-illegal-Venezuelan-immigrant-arrested-murder.html)]Caught in 2022 but released by Customs due to “overcrowding “[/link]...