Favorite team:Mississippi St. 
Number of Posts:14143
Registered on:10/31/2013
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[quote]How in the world is StarkVegas only at 25k and HOW ARE THEY DECREASING?! Obviously I’ve never been, but good gracious how is an SEC school not pumping up the local economy to some level of growth when it’s that small[/quote] Starkville is certainly growing, not shrinking. There are new ...
[quote]And that "publication" was probably Podunk Monthly. [/quote] Yeah, that's probably it!...
[quote]Georgia - 2022 Alabama - 2020 LSU - 2019 Auburn - 2010 Florida - 2008 Missouri - 2007 Texas - 2005 Oklahoma - 2003 Tennessee - 1998 Arkansas - 1964 Ole Miss - 1962 Kentucky - 1950 Texas A&M - 1939 South Carolina - Never Vanderbilt - Never Mississippi State - 1940[/quote]...

re: Let’s try a PBD poll…

Posted by Reservoir dawg on 5/30/24 at 7:28 pm
To soon to tell. Everybody is looking at right now and filled with resolve. This has to be sorted out over the next couple of months. The democrats are going to use this for their campaign ad nauseum. It's a tool divised by liberal politicians and the government. It's too early to tell how this will...
It will embolden his strong supporters, but it will cost him overall votes and that was the democratic plan. It's a much tougher road for Trump now. ...
[quote]Some dipshit was trying to tell me the other day that Starkville is somehow the best city in the south. [/quote] It wasn't a dipshit, it was a publication that had Starkville as the best small town in the south....

re: I hate our country

Posted by Reservoir dawg on 5/30/24 at 4:24 pm
[quote]Its not the country its the people abusing the systems...[/quote] It is also the country....
The country was done well before now....
[quote]Surgery was L4-L5 severely ruptured/herniated disc. It's the worst sciatica pain I've ever had in my life. I'm 2 weeks post surgery and I can only walk about 2 minutes before I nearly collapse. Sitting is the only thing that doesn't hurt. Laying in bed is just terrible. [/quote] My God, t...
[quote]won't be long before athletes won't have to be enrolled in School. It will be the "Tigers" football team sponsored by Louisiana State University. It will look alot like Minor League baseball. How close are we to a Draft where salaries are regulated with draft position, and then a pos...
Just a couple of weeks would be a lot better....
[quote]Houston is FAR better today than it was in the mid 1980s. Not a bad place at all today, the worst of the oil patch in the mid 80s. Houston is also, in my opinion, far better than Dallas. Houston is the south, Dallas is the mid west.[/quote] Tend to agree that Houston is better, but only sl...
Is this the one where the guy ate McDonald's for weeks and weeks and started having rolling diarrhea everyday?...
The Biden Administration is the worst president in history. ...

re: UTrash

Posted by Reservoir dawg on 5/25/24 at 2:26 am
[quote]8 str8. Did I hear that right?[/quote] 60-38. Bitch, please....
[quote]We aren't playing around anymore.[/quote] What does this have to do with coaching salaries?...
We be done. Didn't have much fight last night...
If he was on our list he'd never get above a 92 on either spot....