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Registered on:2/16/2021
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College and Career guidance for son

Posted by meAnon on 2/7/25 at 8:56 am
College visits are happening over the next few months and his only current 'direction' is a list of things he thinks he absolutely doesn't want to do, which is helpful in its own way. Pretty bright kid, but we aren't going to Vanderbilt or Georgia Tech. Should get into any 'regular' school without

I love the Dominican Republic

Forgive my ignorance, of which I have an abundance when it comes to travel

But, is the DR safe? I want there to be zero chance I'm going to get kidnapped by a cartel or end up in a bathtub of ice with my kidneys cut out.

Talk me out of going back to st john

Posted by meAnon on 2/4/25 at 8:34 pm
We’ve not really been anywhere-a sandals resort, couple cruises, and St John. Trying to plan a 25 year anniversary trip and we keep landing on the safe-bet-sure-thing destination of St. John…. We just loved the beaches, the freedom, the aimless roaming, the vibe in general.

We can do that trip al

re: Restructuring a nonprofit corporation

Posted by meAnon on 1/10/24 at 9:01 pm
My bad, I thought generic, anonymous message boards were an acceptable place to have generic, anonymous conversations that might actually yield a couple helpful nuggets from someone who might have walked through a similar situation. I hadn't actually planned on suggesting that he follow any and all
When you say 'not a joint employer' - there was a clear line between who worked for which organization? No overlap? I could foresee that the 2nd new organization would potentially need to contract with the original corporation for some admin and/or executive support.
Very helpful! Thank you!

Restructuring a nonprofit corporation

Posted by meAnon on 1/9/24 at 3:28 pm
Hypothetically, I've got this friend that runs a relatively large nonprofit corporation. The business operates 3 distinct divisions, 1 of which is distinctly different in operation and carries significantly higher risk. He has this bright idea to split the one corporation into 2.

His Board of Di

Boomtown - Bossier City Hotel

Posted by meAnon on 12/13/23 at 3:34 pm
Asked on the travel board, and evidently all those guys actually work for a living.

I've got a trip to Shreveport coming up after the first of the year and Boomtown is advertising a ridiculously low rate. I'll basically be all over northwest Louisiana for a few days and just need a place to slee

Boomtown - Bossier City -Clean? Safe?

Posted by meAnon on 12/13/23 at 12:29 pm
I've got to make a trip to Shreveport after the first of the year and found a really cheap hotel deal @ Boomtown in Bossier City. I don't plan on using the casino. Just need a clean place as a base for running all over northwest Louisiana for a few days.



No one touts Trump as the second coming, no one. That’s hyperbole used on this board.

Since you're taking it so literally, I'll back off the hyperbole a bit and rephrase.

The cult's hero worship is harmful and creates significant blind spots for his flaws, one of which is actua
Not a never-trumper. I'd vote for him.

But the thing that is both incredibly annoying and harmful is his cult following acting like he's the second coming of Jesus. I like his policies, but he's a grifter.
Gavin Newsome is very beatable with his shithole state and their shithole policies and his shite history. I don't think anyone can beat Michelle Obama.

re: GM ceo makes 29 million a year

Posted by meAnon on 9/15/23 at 4:31 pm
The difference in stress and responsibility from senior executive staff to actual CEO is actually pretty vast.

Professional Bodybuilding as a career

Posted by meAnon on 8/15/22 at 10:42 am
Looking for some context

Can someone actually make a decent living as a professional bodybuilder? From what I've read, there is no real 'prize money,' but there are likely decent opportunities for big time show winners to gain sponsorship for supplement companies and whatnot, but then again, that
My loving, rational, hot, kind wife and I have been pretty annoyed with eachother for the last couple weeks. This is one of those once-every-couple-years disagreements in behavioral expectations of one another.

We are currently actively engaged in hashing out the issues via text and it feels li

old broker was just riding the premiums.

Yep. Like soccerfut aluded to-it astounds me that I can't have 2 brokers competing for my business. AND that my old (current) broker could potentially go out and get quotes just to block them from being able to
Any of you work in commercial insurance who might want to answer a couple questions?

Our business is in the process of considering a new broker as we don't feel that our current broker has advocated for us appropriately.

One of the things I've been told by prospective other brokers is that th

Federal Income Tax

Posted by meAnon on 10/28/21 at 3:34 pm
My cousin just got a pretty significant promotion. He was a bit perplexed by just how much his federal income tax changed. The other taxes stayed at about the same percentage. The numbers he shared with me are as follows:

Last month: 8,300 wages, 750 (about 9%) in federal taxes
This month: 12,82
Post a link. I get ZERO search results on youtube
I'm split.....

I run all of my recurring monthly purchases and large purchases where possible through our cash back credit card. Any incidental stuff-clothes, gas, groceries, restaurants-we use our debit cards.

I know its unpopular, but its *essentially been proven that credit cards lead to gr