Troy Taormina-USA TODAY Sports
North Caddo Magnet High School coach JJ Kavanaugh called out Texas A&M for costing his school a sizable fee of 98 cents. Come on Jimbo, be better...
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Filed Under: Texas A&M Sports
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YMCA33 months
I’m surprised the letter even showed up.
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Timeoday33 months
Friggin aggies do not even know which side to address the envelope.
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FishFearMe33 months
Letter to potentially make one of his players very wealthy.
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BobABooey33 months
The Aggies should have been able to buy enough postage with one of their $3 bills.
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PeleofAnalytics33 months
Some intern fricked up the postage. BFD.
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Taxman201033 months
What a moron this guy is. I would love to see how many of his players have signed with D1 schools under his tenure. He should be grateful that his player even received the letter.
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CanebreakCajun33 months
Leave and never return.
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Rick Fayard33 months
The “moron” is in your mirror. He has several players being recruited by D-1 teams including LSU. The D-1 promising the most, can’t properly post a letter.
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rudy9933 months
I don’t understand. The mail got there what’s he trying to say here?
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goodgrin33 months
So impersonal. ATTN: HEAD FOOTBALL COACH??? How about "Coach JJ Kavanaugh"?
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Zephyrius33 months
Its called plausible deniability
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ALhunter33 months
You just put "Head Football Coach" so if your intern/assistant has the wrong name in your database, you don't have a completely incorrect name. Not saying its a great move but that's the reasoning.
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