When asked by Broadcast Boys to pick someone to play him in a movie, former QB Johnny Manziel named Miles Teller...

Filed Under: Texas A&M Sports
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CanebreakCajun15 months
Peter Dinklage.
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RECConspiracy15 months
Brick from the TV show The Middle
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theBru15 months
I wuda thought that dude always on the horns sideline! Mccountahay or something like that .
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Tigerlawyer15 months
Cheating lying individual. PleSe stop giving him publicity.
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billyjackag15 months
An Avenatti from the world's second largest unwalled penetentiary calling some else a liar is like Micheal Moore calling anyone obese.
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caliegeaux15 months
You could also use a train. Wrecking.
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Xhero15 months
Randy Quaid
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Rahloh6615 months
Movie about him?Title;Just Say No?
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Timeoday15 months
The family history of the Manziels would be one hell of a drama. This family even has prized fighting cocks known as Manziel Blues and Manziel Greys. An incredibly wealthy east Texas family with lots of "Texas tea" money.
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Skeet Mc15 months
Peter Dinklage
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OSTiger7715 months
Dude that plays Uncle Rico
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RazzleDazzle15 months
Don't tell me how it ends.
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BobABooey15 months
Corey Feldman
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Skinny15 months
I was thinking the banjo playing kid from Deliverance
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baytiger1115 months
Pineapple Express James Franco could play a good Johnny cokehead
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jbird715 months
Spring breakers James Franco would prob be more fitting
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jbird715 months
I’m thinking more Shia Labeouf
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Gifman15 months
Miles isn't ugly enough
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griswold15 months
That would be one shitty movie.
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Nix to Twillie15 months
I kinda like Johnny. Downvote away.
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soccerfüt15 months
It’s Miles Teller so the rest of you don’t have to waste your time and listen to Larry’s clickbait.
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Nix to Twillie15 months
It says it up there^^
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