Texas A&M Creates Sexist Version Of Their Fight Song For Women
Soobum Im-USA TODAY Sports
Texas A&M just held a “Chalk Talk” seminar to help reintroduce football to women. And as you'd imagine, it went as bad as you'd think. Assistant football coaches Jim Turner and Jeff Banks reworked the lyrics to its fight song, “The Aggie War Hymn”, per the Houston Chronicle...

We are Aggie women
We are filled with estrogen
Hullabaloo, canek, canek, and back again

Maroon & white are the colors we love
We are putting down our dish towels
And taking off our gloves
No more lysol or cascade
We want to score Touchdowns
And walk in the parade

We are Aggie women & this is our song
Come on…bring it on…no more thong
Turner and Banks have been suspended for two weeks for using derogatory language aimed at women during the presentation...

"We want to sincerely apologize to the passionate Aggie fans and to women for our failed attempt at humor during this week's Aggie Football Chalk Talk and fundraiser. We clearly understand now that our comments and slides were not appropriate or consistent with the values of our football program or our Department. We must do better, and we will," Turner and Banks said in a statement.

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Filed Under: Texas A&M Sports
user avatar
AUbagman97 months
I'm sure guys would be furious if a song said "put down the hammer and wrench and wash the oil off your hands"... No nevermind, they wouldn't. But we're not filled with estrogen.
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Tiger7197 months
Political correctness has gotten out of line. We can no longer laugh at ourselves. It's has even become the main issue in the presidential election.
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Gaspergou20298 months
1) stupid song 2) should be reprimanded for waisting football time 3)any female who is offended is a little girl and not an adult woman 4)any male offended is not a male 5)America your freedoms are vanishing
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Corch Urban Myers98 months
Pussies for apologizing. Nothing wrong with this whatsoever!
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Amazing Moves98 months
Thinking doesn't seem to be this coaching staff's strong suit.
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Doug Masters98 months
BFD. Let Tits McGee be all upset
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TOSOV98 months
Ha!! And why women should stay out of football. If they get all tit hurt over this kind of crap then stay in the kitchen.
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bgtiger98 months
Mortified and embarrassed? C'mon lady
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PrimeTime Money98 months
I find it hilarious that I read the lyrics to that song, and then right after it I read "We want to sincerely apologize..." I'm picturing it like a movie where they are all gung-ho singing this song, then immediately after the scene changes to them looking sad and reading that statement apologizing for their actions.
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