Here’s Auburn grad and Alabama QB AJ McCarron’s girlfriend Katherine Webb signing an Alabama hat outside whatever sort of event Katherine Webb gets invited to. All the while a starry-eyed young boy looked on with dreams of scoring...a touchdown.

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sml71134 months
Looks more like an Atlanta Braves hat to me.
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Tiger inTampa134 months
"But damn Denny, she smells like sunshine and tastes of honey"

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CalCajun134 months
3 minute shower just went to 6...
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Fewer Kilometers134 months
I was hoping that it was Musberger.
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Chadaristic134 months
Pretty funny. Nice find Larry.
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thatthang134 months
This picture is much more awesome than I was imagining based on the headline.
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Hugo Stiglitz134 months
Update: Kid pictured had the best wet dream of his life that very night.
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